Google employees given Google Nexus



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast

TechCrunch was certain that rumors of a pending honest-to-goodness Google Phone were the real deal, and now according to the site, Google employees are already tweeting with the devices in hand. If you believe what you see on Twitter, Google drones were given the HTC-designed handsets at an all-hands staff event, and the phone is quite a looker. One tweet reads "ZOMG we had fireworks and we all got the new Google phone. It's beautiful." while another says the phone is "Like an iPhone on beautifying steroids." One other, non-Google user on Twitter who's seen the device says that the device is a bit thinner than the iPhone, has a trackball (a la Hero), and has no physical keyboard... which sounds like the Bravo / Passion we've seen a lot of lately (and we hear is coming to the US soon). Apparently the device is running Android 2.1, is unlocked and AT&T-ready (no word on 3G status, but this could line up with our speculation about this being the carrier's first Android phone), and will be due sometime in January. We're guessing if that list bit is true, it will coincide with a CES announcement, but anything could happen at this point. If the device is out in the wild in such a big way, an end of the year press release wouldn't shock us either. Check out one of the tweet-tears after the break, and stay tuned for more info!

Tweet grab:


Comment of note:

We just got some yesterday and I gotta say, this kills my iPhone. :)
what is also good to hear, although the iphone has been out for ageeeesss its still the one to beat :)

Well that's to be expected for a closed source hw/sw device :p

Android is like the Windows of the mobile OS world, many brands and hardware configs to handle on!
Hero has multitouch and thats sold in the US

Hero uses HTC SenseUI which added it IIRC, "Google branded" phones in the US cannot have it due to the grip on the patent areas by Apple.

From what I remember anyway.

Prepare to be blown away, maybe :p

Gizmodo said:
We've had our hands on Google's Nexus One phone, but weren't allowed to take any pictures. This fellow, on the other hand, managed to capture his playtime in a crisp, clear video which blows away any previous blurry clips.

Heads up: There are a few not-so-safe-for-work seconds around the two minute mark. So you might want to skip over that if the boss is near (or if you don't enjoy Californication).

I think these ten minutes cover nearly the whole Nexus user interface and give a reasonable idea of what to expect when we finally get our very own gadgets to play with. Gorgeous! [via—Thanks, Steve!]

Seems the Nexus One doesn't record 720P but is in fact DVD resolution (720x480) so it SEEMS the HTC Bravo specs me better the Nexus One as the Bravo does have official specs out and it states 720P HD.

Hmmm I think the Bravo looks nicer too.

Both phones should run the same due to using the same cpu/chipsets.
The Bravo follows the HTC looks trend though!

Without being told I'd have thought the Nexus One was in fact a Moto at first glance!
The Android on the back looks cool and is different, I'd rather the Android picture than nothing or "with google" written in the middle.

People complain when a HTC phone looks too plain.

People Complain when a HTC phone tried something different.

People suddenly get used to it and say "it's grown on me".

That's HTC phones in a nutshell.

Also, someone on another board got one and said:

And it's really enjoyable to use. I had a Samsung moment android and it was hell. They really did improve this phone. Voice recognition for every possible thing you can imagine. Sending emails through voice recognition is so much faster than trying to type it out. The phone is blazing fast and whoever said you can't see it in the daytime clearly doesn't own one. Great phone, just a little review if anyone is interested or thinking about buying one.

By the way they fixed the camera and its really fast like it should be. Auto focuses very quickly and pictures look great. I haven't found anything that I don't like about it yet. I'll be looking though.

I really do like the slight tweaks to the Nexus and I want to see what the video recorder is like at 720x480 !
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