Google employees given Google Nexus

Latest on the phone:
-Snapdragon is a go, and Qualcomm’s speedy processor
is on board
-Audience A1026 Noise Canceling Chip for improved audio quality
- OpenGLES 2.0 is present

From some other images it looks like the camera has a flash - yay

There is a ROM Leak for this phone available now also.

More UI Images courtesy of Engadget:




what is the screen size?

This has put me in a dilemma now! my contract ends in february, do i get this phone or wait 4/5 months for the new iphone?
i want one

arghh why is my upgrade always due a month before something amazing is coming. few things actually

im a sucker for waiting

those 'unconfirmed' prices sound like a total lie though. far far too cheap
what is the screen size?

This has put me in a dilemma now! my contract ends in february, do i get this phone or wait 4/5 months for the new iphone?

i doubt this phone will be out in february. May, perhaps.

i still think it looks gash though.
Nothing is going to be an iPhone killer! Its too far gone and with it soon coming to Vodaphone (and already on Orange, O2 and Tesco) it will only get more popular!

90% of the people who buy the iPhone buy it purely because of looks! It is the in thing and it looks cool! Its a must have accessory!

I mean, interms of the iPhone being a phone its pretty rubbish! Its just an iPod with a phone added on at the last minute. But, what does Joe Public care about functionality?
Boot up screen - looks kinda cool.

Photoshop said:
I mean, interms of the iPhone being a phone its pretty rubbish! Its just an iPod with a phone added on at the last minute. But, what does Joe Public care about functionality?

I think this is an exceptionally good point and it's what Apple have banked on with all the iPods, iPhones and low end Macs. Gorgeous design, stunning UI and basic operation. I do think that they have designed themselved into something of a corner tho, especially with the iPhones OS, in that it's overly simple and leaves no room for either multitasking or customisation. I often wonder about the 'where do they go from here' scenario. In it's current form the iPhone is pretty much perfect for task - listening to music, browsing the web and talking on the phone.

Android is taking the more difficult path however we've seen to a certain extent what can be achieved by some more design minded people with the Sense UI and also the Moto Droids interface. It can be pretty but far more utilitarian and in the long run I think that will count for much more than a basic pretty UI.
They said the Hero was an iPhone killer, I'm not convinced by these claims once again. :o

I think the whole term of 'iPhone Killer' is broken anyway. It makes no sense unless it's taken from a contextual point of view. If the iPhone does everything you want and well then nothing is going to 'kill' it.
I think the XPeria X10 looks more impressive personally :).

Probably but knowing SE build quality it will be absolute rubbish;):p.

Anyhow i dont find this phone appealing in any way, shape or form...but then pics dont really give a good representation on how it will look in real life.

Looks interesting but as usual not interested in what google or Android have to offer...i have to admit that if i was going to get an Android device i probably just end up getting the iphone as to me they are pretty similar but the iphone being slightly better.
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Me too. I current have one on pre order as well :D

Pre-order an Android 1.6 device from a company whose hardware and software quality of the last couple of years has been nothing short of absolutely shocking, and whose Satio actually had to be recalled? Rather you than me. ;)
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