Google employees given Google Nexus

I had a long play with the NEXUS 1 today. Initial impressions -- it's not really different from my HTC Magic apart from animated backgrounds and apps opening quicker.

All the apps I saw look exactly the same, EXACTLY, as my HTC magic.

It also says 'HTC' on the back of it.

Don't know what the fuss was about really ..


I mean OMG the Android apps look exactly like Android apps and have the SAME features as Android apps on other Android phones?

Oh man!

Someone call the press agency, stat!

You're making it sound like the people who complain about Windows 7 for looking similar to Vista because Windows have Aero glass and the icons are also similar therefore it's exactly the same and not worth it.
The voice features interest me somewhat really, especially the fact that you can send messages by voice alone!
HTC Bravo records video at 1280x720, supports DIVX/H264 HD videos, possibly will have hdmi/video out connection and obviously have a native HTC look to it instead of the curvy Nexus.

X10 has Sony's Rachel UI like HTC SensUI on the Hero and other phones but newer videos from CES etc show the UI to be pretty stuttery (!)

Nexus one video quality looks good actually, 720x480 isn't bad, bit low on fps in low light but normal light is just fine:
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I wouldn't have the X10 after seeing the UI performance, it seems to be wanting several performance updates.

I prefer the stock interface, it's nice and slick and most importantly it's fast!

Don't know what the fps figures are but I'd imagine the Bravo to be 24fps minimum at 1280x720. The nexus one seems to vary from 20 to 30fps depending on lighting conditions.
So basically the HTC Bravo then :p

But then the Bravo is one step better than the N1/Milestone.
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