Google employees given Google Nexus

Nexus One users complaining of touchscreen calibration, 3G connectivity issues

Anyone else experienced this?
Cant say i have noticed this at all. Both signal and touch screen have been fine. I have use it with and without 3G signal and have been fine. The first thing a mate said when he was playing with it was how nice the touchscreen was. :D

I'm rooted with Cyans Bacon addon, but its still the same as it was stock imo.

I dunno if i have 'lucked out' or if its just that the negative press is getting more notice than the positive feedback is?

So far i'm dead happy with it.

This mobile sucks, its nothing impressive at all, HTC Hero is much better.
lol? ...and you base this conclusion on what?

Griffo, Gutted for you and your pixel death. I'd be most upset if that was mine. :(

Hope you get it sorted. :)
I'm rooted with Cyans Bacon addon, but its still the same as it was stock imo.

I'm just glad the first thing I did was not to root it :p Quick tip for anyone receiving their N1's: Open a completely white image in the gallery and have a good look at the entire screen to make sure all you pixels work before you get too attached to you beloved new toy :)
I have been sitting around all evening pondering whether i should just go for this phone and order it tonight.....

I was thinking of getting it Sim Free now, and using it with the 2 month remainder of my Tmobile contract, and going from there after that.

What to do?!
I have been sitting around all evening pondering whether i should just go for this phone and order it tonight.....

I was thinking of getting it Sim Free now, and using it with the 2 month remainder of my Tmobile contract, and going from there after that.

What to do?!

If I were you I'd get A sim free phone, even if its not a Nexus, wait for my contract to end then switch to a sim only plan [Vodafones look particularly good] then combine that with Quidco or similar to get a great, rolling contract for very little cash :) That's what I'll be doing when my contract ends

Of course if you're not bothered by being tied to a phone contract for 18/24 months then Vodafone are promising the Nexus in Europe "within a few weeks" or "spring" depending on where you read it. That'd coincide nicely with the end of your contract, and you'd be able to have a play with it in the shop to make sure you wanted it :)
I have been sitting around all evening pondering whether i should just go for this phone and order it tonight.....

I was thinking of getting it Sim Free now, and using it with the 2 month remainder of my Tmobile contract, and going from there after that.

What to do?!

I'm in the same boat as you but I'm going to wait for the phone to arrive here first so I can get my hands on it before I buy. I will probably buy it sim free but I want to make sure I like the phone before spending ~400. Also I'm hoping by waiting the few issues that have been reported will be fixed by then.
I have been sitting around all evening pondering whether i should just go for this phone and order it tonight.....

I was thinking of getting it Sim Free now, and using it with the 2 month remainder of my Tmobile contract, and going from there after that.

What to do?!

I would get a sim-free phone, getting tied to a 18/24 contract these days is too much with technology moving so fast.

But saying that I wouldn't get a Nexus, I personally don't think its worth the asking price. Once its offically available in Europe the price will take a big hit.

You can get HTC Hero for about £250 now, considering they were £400 a few months ago.
I'm in the same boat as you but I'm going to wait for the phone to arrive here first so I can get my hands on it before I buy. I will probably buy it sim free but I want to make sure I like the phone before spending ~400. Also I'm hoping by waiting the few issues that have been reported will be fixed by then.

I have never been in this boat before, I have an Omnia at the moment and whiles its been a great phone for me I have always wanted an Android phone ever since I got a play on the Magic.

Im also tempted to wait until it arrives in the UK, but I have never played with a phone before buying. I always used a sort of 7 days taster period with various contract companies.

Its too tempting to go onto the site now and import.
You can get HTC Hero for about £250 now, considering they were £400 a few months ago.

You make a good point, if a price drop like that was to occur and I had paid £400+ im would certainly be kicking myself.

Is a price drop likely with this handset?

These are not the exact words but was it not said that this handset is being set a lot cheaper than the various other latest handsets.
I have never been in this boat before, I have an Omnia at the moment and whiles its been a great phone for me I have always wanted an Android phone ever since I got a play on the Magic.

Im also tempted to wait until it arrives in the UK, but I have never played with a phone before buying. I always used a sort of 7 days taster period with various contract companies.

Its too tempting to go onto the site now and import.

I normally like to try before I buy. Saying that I've currently got a G1 which I got soley based on reviews and have never regretted it. This is the 1st phone I've had which does everything I want. :)

Its also the reason I'm in no hurry to move to another phone but at the same time the N1 is very tempting as it promises the same functionality but with newer and improved hardware.

Its lucky I don't have a Google Checkout Account or I'd probably have ordered by now. :D
Is a price drop likely with this handset?

Personally I don't think its likely but you never know.

These are not the exact words but was it not said that this handset is being set a lot cheaper than the various other latest handsets.

I don't think so its about the same price as the Milestone. Also there are rumours that Google will launch another handset in the very near future which will be the N1 with a keyboard. I do prefer phones with keyboards so for me its another reason to wait a while.
I normally like to try before I buy. Saying that I've currently got a G1 which I got soley based on reviews and have never regretted it. This is the 1st phone I've had which does everything I want. :)

Its also the reason I'm in no hurry to move to another phone but at the same time the N1 is very tempting as it promises the same functionality but with newer and improved hardware.

Its lucky I don't have a Google Checkout Account or I'd probably have ordered by now. :D

The G1 was the phone I missed by a matter of weeks. But that was purely down to the fact I did zero research on what was to come.

I am just trying to ponder the Positive and Negatives of buying a Nexus now, its very tempting to go for it. But i just need to know if im getting a very future proof phone.
I have never been in this boat before, I have an Omnia at the moment and whiles its been a great phone for me I have always wanted an Android phone ever since I got a play on the Magic.

An Android phone would wipe the floor with a Omnia. Android is just so simple and more fun to use.

But there will be a serious amount of Android handsets flooding the market this year.
Just wanted to show the difference in screens between nexus one and my old iphone 2g. One of the biggest selling points of the nexus is its screen. The difference in real life is amazing but my rubbish camera does not do it justice.


you've got a choice of undersaturated (iphone) or oversaturated (nexus) by those pictures :)

I'd pick the nexus
yea it does appear too over staurated in them pics but it shows better in the video.

Yea the nexus screen does over saturate but not to the extreme it shows in them pictures
Mini camera review here for those wondering: Better than the magic and the iPhone, but not as good as the Nokia 5mp units in the N95 etc. Could do with a xenon flash and an auto focus led. Obviously my trusty Canon powershot circa 2004 absolutely walks all over all of the above camera phones.
It's rubbish in the dark, where the N95 is king
In daylight the difference is less pronounced between the N1 and N95 with the 95 just edging it.

I'll try to upload some sample shots soon
Really want to press the buy button but i cant stop worrying about this touch screen problem. I have read that some users have issues with the screen calibration at times.

Is this likely to be a minor software issue?
Really want to press the buy button but i cant stop worrying about this touch screen problem. I have read that some users have issues with the screen calibration at times.

Is this likely to be a minor software issue?

all i can say is mine has been 100% fine. Dont worry this is the internet one small problem is multiplied 10000x times
all i can say is mine has been 100% fine. Dont worry this is the internet one small problem is multiplied 10000x times

Cheers for clearing that up Stoke, I dont know why i am holding off so much. Maybe just being too careful. Will go ahead with the order now!

Im sure it all the delivery times can differ, but what is the general waiting time to receive one of these from the states?
Fail of the day?

This could only happen to a geek - i've been struggling to work out why mines stuck on edge..... configured all the apns rebooted, forced it to 3g only via *#*#4636#*#* thinking mine was suffering the reported 3g issues. After a day on xda configuring this and that..... no luck

I'd forgotten my sim card wasn't 3g.

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