Google employees given Google Nexus

is this available yet in the uk? My T-Mobile contracts up, current favourite is the HD2 but if I can get this it may be a better option as currently have a G1 and love android.
V_R please can you confirm the process of getting CyanogenMod up and running.

Is it basically the steps here: ?

- Backup & Unlock bootloader
- Flash with recovery image
- Flash with CyanogenMod

Any other significant steps?
Yep, that is what i followed to root. just make sure you have adb up and running first.

Read here too....

Disclaimer: **you do this at your own risk, not my fault if you make a mess of it**
I've only had my Magic for 6 months and now trying to justify buying this phone. I want it but I don't need it. Then again I didn't need the Magic :D
I am looking at getting a new contract phone atm :)

Might wait to see how much the Nexus One turns out to be, not sure if anyone has seen anything regarding contracts/pricing :confused:

Really tempted to get a Hero on contract as it works out about £350 for 18months but think I should maybe wait
Do you want a Android phone with HTC Sense UI is the simple question, if so then maybe wait for the new htc phone due out in March time, i have a Hero and its a great phone but i got my eye on the Milestone or this phone.
Do you want a Android phone with HTC Sense UI is the simple question, if so then maybe wait for the new htc phone due out in March time, i have a Hero and its a great phone but i got my eye on the Milestone or this phone.
I had htc sense on my diamond2 touch but didn't really like it :( would probably want it to be stock android
Anyone got any suggestions for buying this from Google with a Mastero card? Google checkout doesn't support them anymore :( Will I have to use ebay?
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