Google-Motorola "X Phone" in the 2013 pipeline?

It's far too big to be the only Nexus "6" - I expect they will release multiple sizes like iPhone. It's logical but going by online comments it seems people weren't expecting a MotoX clone of sorts.
I could see the smaller Moto Nexus to just use the new MotoG as it's template but with better internals, which makes a lot of sense in my head. :)
It's a perfect set-up for someone to say something like "IS THAT WHY YOU'RE STILL USING A NOKIA 8210 HURRHUURRR" or some other such great banter. Then I could retort with "Looks like I'm safe until they make a Nexus 12 LOL"..... "OMG GREAT COMEBACK HAHA YOU LEGEND!" etc etc

So many possibilities slipping away, come on guys!

Edit: didn't see satchef1's reply. He's on it!
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Yup, it's big alright.
I guess it kinda makes sense. A Nexus 6 directly based on the Moto X would be a bit pointless - it's not like Motorola have a reputation for bloatware. It wouldn't be significantly different from the base handset, so the consumer choice would be Moto Maker and some neat software enhancements, or a cheaper handset.

Taking the size up to 6" makes the phone a bit different and limits its ability to gobble up potential Moto X sales.
What's your thinking behind that?

Google are a business, they exist to make money. They're saying goodbye to much of the market = much of the profit. Hence why I call bs.

Well fair enough but it's definitely happening which is why I say that.

Like 100%, if the rumours etc weren't enough just let me say.. 100%
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