Google-Motorola "X Phone" in the 2013 pipeline?

I call bs on this rumour.

I cannot imagine in any universe Google making a phone so big. They're basically saying goodbye to 90% of the market.

Yup. I was hoping to upgrade from my N4 to an N6 but if the screen does turn out to be 5.9" then I'll get another phone. I see no need for anything bigger than 5.2" for a phone. 5.9" is phablet territory and I don't have any need use for a phablet.

Like some people say, I hope they release 2 different sized N6's.
Is anybody experiencing a reception issue on 4.4.4? The signal bars don't seem to correspond correctly to signal anymore.

The phone shows 4 bars when I have a -107dBm signal; it takes a solid 30 seconds to drop down to 0 bars where it should be.

Long story short, the signal bars on 4.4.4 seem to be completely wrong?
There was talk of 2 Nexus devices. One huge and one probably too big as well.

I'm a big fan of the Moto X and thought if the new model has 32GB+, Motomaker, possibly up to a 5" display and maybe a bigger battery I'd maybe sell the old one and buy a new model. That said battery has never been an issue for me. I'm not overly concerned about the battery size of the new model so much, though it's a shame something a little bigger could have been fitted. Main thing putting me off is the 5.2" screen :mad: I'll check out the new Moto X once it hits the shops and see what I think. One thing for sure I'd not buy the retail model with a miserly 16GB :rolleyes: and go through Motomaker for 32GB model. I'll probably end up keeping the old Moto X and see if any sense comes back into the job ;)
Alec. Very occasionally I've had that. It'll drop from 4 to 5 bars to nothing to maybe one bar. This is always in a weak signal area. To be honest it happens so fast and so infrequently on mine I never get signal info open to check out actual signal strength. I am on Three UK btw. It's always when I have woken the phone and presumed it had been on a better signal at some point and the signal strength bars hadn't caught up. I live and work in what is very variable signal area and really not been let down by the Moto X (believe me I would say as I've grumbled about both the HTC One X and S regards these issues, on these forums). I work with a couple of fellas who both have iPhone 5's on Voda and they have way more 'no signal' than I ever do. Vodaphone is very variable though around me.
^^ Thanks for that :)

Has anybody flashed Faux's kernel on the Moto X with the intention of improving battery life? I've just flashed it - is that all I need to do or do I need to change some settings; if so, how do I do that?

I'm hoping to achieve something like has been achieved here.

Can't help you with that. I've not even rooted my X. Used to in the past flash ROM's with previous phones but can't be arsed anymore. Besides which I use SkyGo and believe as soon as you root it won't work? I'd maybe root but for that.

I don't get hung up on battery life. If the phone gets through the day then that'll do me. Overnite charge and good to go next day. Should I run short at the back end of the day I'm often in a vehicle of some description so a topup not a prob. For the times I'm away from mains or a vehicle and stuck up a mountain (OK maybe a small hill :D ) I have a battery charger thingy.
^^ Thanks for that :)

Has anybody flashed Faux's kernel on the Moto X with the intention of improving battery life? I've just flashed it - is that all I need to do or do I need to change some settings; if so, how do I do that?

I'm hoping to achieve something like has been achieved here.

Get the faux kernel app, trickster doesn't have most of the settings available to use
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