Google Pixel 6/6 Pro

I've been sticking with gestures since I got the phone as I figured it would be better once I got used to them, but I have been temped to switch back a few times, WatsApp as mentioned, and I've also swiped out of a game a few times when swiping near the edge.
I've been sticking with gestures since I got the phone as I figured it would be better once I got used to them, but I have been temped to switch back a few times, WatsApp as mentioned, and I've also swiped out of a game a few times when swiping near the edge.

Even on a curved screen it's not bad resizing a picture in WhatsApp. I've seen far worse.
I mean the cropping in whatsapp is not perfect but it's not a major problem unless I guess all you do is crop pictures before sending through whatsapp? I can say I probably do this 4-5x a week and it hasn't got on my nerves yet.
Scrolling photos horizontally in Instagram. I end up triggering the back gesture almost every single time.

This will sound rude but lets get right to the point :P surely that's a 'you' issue, not a gestures issue? You can literally scroll from touching in the middle of the photo. Why are you trying to scroll from the edge?
This will sound rude but lets get right to the point :p surely that's a 'you' issue, not a gestures issue? You can literally scroll from touching in the middle of the photo. Why are you trying to scroll from the edge?
Yup... I do mess it up sometimes but I used to do the same with software buttons so meh. 60% of the time it works every time.
I kept doing that in other apps too especially when only using one hand. Then I realised you can lower the activation area in the settings and it's been doing it much less now. Strange how I was fine with it on my OP7TP but still needing to adapt to the 6 Pro, but I have a feeling it's also due to my case having a higher side lip than what I had on the OP.
I kept doing that in other apps too especially when only using one hand. Then I realised you can lower the activation area in the settings and it's been doing it much less now. Strange how I was fine with it on my OP7TP but still needing to adapt to the 6 Pro, but I have a feeling it's also due to my case having a higher side lip than what I had on the OP.
The lip on the case makes a massive difference.
had a new glitch on p6 today...
swiping notification down blurred whole screen only. no notifications nothing. then when screen was off, only bottom line was on , other time top bar stayed on..

now I also know that hold power button for 30secs resets the phone ;)
This will sound rude but lets get right to the point :p surely that's a 'you' issue, not a gestures issue? You can literally scroll from touching in the middle of the photo. Why are you trying to scroll from the edge?

Puts on professional hat :D

I scroll that way because that's it's a reasonable way to scroll things. Putting your thumb 2/3 to 4/5 of the way over to the right of the screen to drag it to the left means that there's distance for the drag track in case the image requires more dragging/scrolling (as is sometimes the case with image carousels). Why would I touch in the middle of the screen? My pattern for horizontal scrolling works fine on most other apps/devices and in if I have to change it for one app to avoid triggering the back gesture, then it's a bad piece of UI. Of course you could say that Instagram needs to change their carousel scrolling behaviour so it doesn't get conflated with system UI but there we go...

Whilst I'm happy to use the gestures, especially on larger screen phones, the back gesture isn't foolproof (unlike the good ol' back button IMO). I think they've tacitly admitted that by adding controls for the active zone of the back gesture. There was even something about them using machine learning to detect when a back gesture isn't intentionally triggered - - but I'm not sure if it made it to Android 12 stable.
Putting your thumb 2/3 to 4/5 of the way over to the right of the screen to drag it to the left means that there's distance for the drag track in case the image requires more dragging/scrolling

I'm honestly not sure how you're doing it. I gave 'the middle' as an extreme example. I think I can drag from 5/6's of the way over and it's still fine. I believe you're literally dragging from the edge and then yes of course... it will get confused with a drag from the edge to go back...

I'm not saying I don't ever do something like this, but when I do I usually realise and glide my thumb back over and release. I also then don't blame the UI, I realise I just had my thumb too close to the edge :)

I did a bit of a search for how big the gesture zone is and found this -


Honestly, come on. Surely those are tiny and if you're scrolling but start that far to the edge of the screen, it's not a UI issue?!

It's quite interesting actually. On the page that has that image there is some discussion that apps can exclude a portion of the edge from being 'back' so they can use it for their apps, but it cannot be taller than 200dp.

In our previous blog post we mentioned that “apps have the ability to exclude the system gestures for certain parts of the screen”. The way apps do that is via the system gesture exclusion APIs, new in Android 10.

Since the behavior which the API enables is disruptive to the user, the system limits how it’s usage: apps can only exclude up to 200dp per edge.

We think that users being able to consistently go back from an edge swipe is very important. Consistently across the entire device, not just a single app. The limit may seem restrictive, but it only takes a single app to exclude an entire edge of the screen to confuse a user, leading to either app uninstalls or something more drastic.
so the NC700 I got died yesterday after just over a week of rare to next to no usage. It would not connect to 2 devices at the same time and I tried resetting it and thats when it decided to die, will not charge or turn on!! Called up Bose support, they gave me a link to update the driver, but it wouldn't happen. Logged a return to Bose and as soon as the new one comes it goes straight to eBay. My Beats Solo3 produces better music and I never had any issues in connectivity or sound output and works like magic even 2 years after purchase (ear pads are a bit scruffy but thats ok).

If anyone is looking for the driver update, here's the link Bose support gave me
I'm not sure what to do with the NC700s. I have a pair of pixel buds that I use so I'm not sure if I will get any use out of the NC700s.

Is it still worth selling them or, at the current price I'd get, is it best just to keep them.

They're still sitting in the box unopened as I'm not sure what to do. What price are they going for at the moment?
I'm not sure what to do with the NC700s. I have a pair of pixel buds that I use so I'm not sure if I will get any use out of the NC700s.

Is it still worth selling them or, at the current price I'd get, is it best just to keep them.

They're still sitting in the box unopened as I'm not sure what to do. What price are they going for at the moment?

I'd sell them if they're just not going to be used properly. 150 average.
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