GoPRO Shooting M4 Carbine

What difference would it make if it was chambered for a larger round? Have seen real combat footage and there seems to be very little recoil on their 5.56 x45mm? rifles, so is firing a .22 that different?

I'd absolutely love one of these, looks like great fun. unfortunately I doubt i'd get a FAC, so will have to make do with my air rifles.

Having shot .22, 5.56 and 7.62, the difference between .22 and 5.56 is night and day. That's not to say .22 isn't fun though.

.22 certainly feels disappointing after a weekend at bisley shooting 7.62
m4 is fun to shoot, a world apart from an AK though.

I really liked the Steyr Aug when I shot it.
Holy ****. I had absolutely no idea. I am rather intrigued by this.

I actually thought they'd be more expensive than that.

Things like the 50 Cal require a HUGE range and Bisley is really the only place to use one, but there are enough ranges about to shoot small and fullbore.

Fancy a working Nagant?

.22LR is REALLY common in the uk
Need a Firearms Certificate and you can own one as long as you can show reasonable cause to own one, EG Target work, hunting, pest control.

You can own a 50 Cal Barrett as long as its a straight pull. A .22 LR can be semi auto but anything larger has to be bolt action or requires it to be cocked after each pull.

Linky for a 50 cal

The range I go to on different nights they shoot 7.62, 30-06, 303 and 5.56 on fullbore nights.

Shame I don't really have reasonable cause, do have a bit of a liking for the M98B.
Things like the 50 Cal require a HUGE range and Bisley is really the only place to use one, but there are enough ranges about to shoot small and fullbore.

Fancy a working Nagant?

.22LR is REALLY common in the uk

That's quite a pretty rifle.

Can you actually keep them at home with ammo? :confused:

For some reason I always thought gun laws were extremely strict(I mean more than a license).
That's quite a pretty rifle.

Can you actually keep them at home with ammo? :confused:

For some reason I always thought gun laws were extremely strict(I mean more than a license).

FAC rated Gun cabinet, due cause to own and use one.... then yup!

Very unlikely to get a 7.62 rifle on a brand new FAC though, usually they grant for smaller calibre first, .22lr, .177 HMR or .223 Remmy.
re: recoil, I've fired bolt action and self loading .22s and 5.56 rounds (L85, L98 and LSW) and 7.62 L81, and the Lee Enfield No.4 .303.

The .22 has no significant recoil. Your trigger action makes a bigger effect. The 5.56 has a nice comfortable kick. The 7.62 a bit more so, can get a bit sore after a full days practice.

The .303 hurt as it caught me by surprise.
Ironic thing is buying a .22LR or a .17 HMR or .223 remmy can be cheaper than buying a non FAC PCP air rifle... go figure!

That's quite a pretty rifle.

Can you actually keep them at home with ammo? :confused:

For some reason I always thought gun laws were extremely strict(I mean more than a license).

I meant to add they usually put limits on the amount fo ammo you can buy of each caliber so for example 500 or 1000 rounds of .22lr
.223 Remmy Steyr Aug, straight pull, Uk legal on a FAC

Taken from someones advert on gunstar Live firing straight pull Stayr Aug, £1050 lol

It's not too expensive too to be honest.

Range membership: £depends on range
FAC Gun Cabinet: £150
FAC: £50
Ruger 10/22 Semi: £350
Scope: £50 for a Nikko Sterling
Gunbag: £50
Rounds: £30 per 500

For less than £700 (excluding your club/range fees) you can get up and running. Most small bore rifle ranges have a 3-6month probation though and only after that can you then have due cause to want to purchase.

Plus its legal to use a moderator(silencer) on lets say a .22lr as long as you declare on one fo the slots on your FAC if you need/want one on the rifle
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I'm south east based. So there seems to be one or two in the immediate area.

Might ask around as the clubs I've looked at prefer referrals from members. I might know someone already involved.

Thanks for all the info :)
shooting as a hobby - great.... but why with a pretend assault rifle that just fires little .22 rounds... its a bit Walter Mitty-like really

Well technically speaking even in America hardly anyone has an assault rifle as that means select fire and the majority of their guns are semi only.
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