GordyR's Beginners Guide to Bodybuilding

nothing wrong with using straps, even if its just for an easier grip on the barbell itself (rather than really tight around the wrist).

also, you are not training to be a strongman and even if you were, most of them using straps for the deadlifts. you are deadlifting for your back, not your wrists :]

Exactly, why let your back training suffer because of a weak grip? thats mad! The trick is dont use straps until you HAVE to. Im upto about 130k deads without straps atm, its the sissy kids who use them to row 20's that are making the mistake. I find straps especially useful tor lat pull downs myself.
yep, only when you need them is good. its natural for your grip / forearms to give up before your back.

Ultra - i like straps on lat pulls as well :D
Holy Moley! What the hell is up with Whey Protein prices! I've been completely out of the loop for the last 4-5 months, go to order some there and see extortionate prices. Can anyone recommend any places to get some at reasonable prices? :)
Holy Moley! What the hell is up with Whey Protein prices! I've been completely out of the loop for the last 4-5 months, go to order some there and see extortionate prices. Can anyone recommend any places to get some at reasonable prices? :)

Most here and I myself will recommend:


Good priced quality whey. Enter MP40792 for a 5% discount :).
I seem to have suffered a hamstring injury on my left leg this weekend, been hurting since Sunday even and was hugely painful all day today. The odd thing is all I did that involved physical effort was celebrate Tevez' strike. Now THAT would be embarrasing...
thats always the way, my forearm went last time by picking my boy up, hes not over 15kg!
a friend was the same, his forearm went by moving a hollow door!!

bonkers :D
That sucks Styles, I hope it's all sorted soon!

I've got two days left of training before I fly out to Australia tomorrow so i'm going to calculate some rep maxes and have some fun since i'll get two weeks to rest. Basically to get a rough idea for when I get back.

I'm going to do 1/2 sets of 15, 10 and 5 reps over the two days.
Absolutely, i told him that in another thread. He's taking his gf too, so a back injury wouldn't go down very well :p

Enjoy your hol, Wardie :)

Thanks dude, how's your training going?

Here's the final post from my log today:

Back and Biceps



3x115KG - PB

Incline dumbbell flyes



10xBodyweight + 12.5KG
10xBodyweight + 12.5KG
10xBodyweight + 12.5KG - PB

Wide grip pull ups


Barbell curls


Close grip bench press


Deadlift PB, form started to go abit off on the 3rd rep because my grip was failing. I really need to start using an alternate grip. Otherwise i'm fairly impressed, almost twice my bodyweight.

The rest of the workout was mainly just for fun although that doesn't mean it was easy, flew threw it pretty fast.

Going to do a few squats tomorrow along with couple of sets for shoulders and biceps, then that's me for two weeks!

Pretty impressed with how it's gone, but i'm not where I want to be so when I come back i'm hitting HST hard.
I'm in a bit of a pickle at the moment...
My shoulder still hurts from the injury on friday, which makes just about every upper body exercise a no-no!
I've been given a 12 day David Lloyd pass and a 12 day Roko pass, so I guess until I'm better it's squatting and swimming... Any exclusive squat programs?
Well after what felt like an eternity of no weights, I got back into the groove last night. And was very surprised and delighted that none of my numbers have dropped. (Although I couldn't complete any sets of weighted dips at the very end). Nearly 3 months of no lifting due to work commitments, I must have dropped about 10lbs in weight, my appetite went out the window, I wasn't eating, I was majorly stressing out at work, I felt like my days had no structure. The weekend past there, I decided enough was enough, so I properly hydrated myself and ate well on Saturday and Sunday with my sights set solely on Monday to resume my weights schedule. I'm also battling a cold at the moment but it's went after last night, such a brilliant feeling to be back on the 'wagon'. My target now is to get my weight back up to around 190lbs, I'm sure Christmas will help out with that. ;)

One positive from this, is that I seem to have lost a bit of fat along with a little muscle probably too. My waist has dropped about 2 inches. :)
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