GordyR's Beginners Guide to Bodybuilding

Well done Wardie mate, there are some great lifts there. You could go a VERY long way in this game, it's very impressive to read your progress.

Leg feels a little better today, still hurting but I'm not one of those who can just stay off my leg (as I have to walk ;) ) but I think by tomorrow it will be a lot better. No lower body work this week just as a precaution.
Careful with a hammy injury, pain in the ass for recurring if you don't let it heal properly. Let it heal and then give it another week before you train directly, trust me.

I've been struggling with my hamstring almost all year and only recently shaken it off.
For definate, no lower body work this week, assess the situation Monday next week and if it hurts, then I shall leave it another week. Monday this week I was useless at work, as I couldn't even bend down to lift anything as it stretched my ham, and today I was taking it easy but unfortunately I cannot stay off it completely but it will heal in time.

How's your training coming along Chong?
Well done Wardie mate, there are some great lifts there. You could go a VERY long way in this game, it's very impressive to read your progress.

Leg feels a little better today, still hurting but I'm not one of those who can just stay off my leg (as I have to walk ;) ) but I think by tomorrow it will be a lot better. No lower body work this week just as a precaution.

Thanks a lot, always good to hear comments like that :)
I've just been forced to change gyms as my spit and sawdust gym has been sold to developers :( Joined a brand new JJB that opened 2 weeks ago and I absolutely hate it!

Big shiny, super slippy oly bars that are just awful. They're so bad they're affecting my bench press!! The benches are super skinny so it's impossible to set myself up and get my back stable, absolute joke tbh. Don't even ask me about deadlifting with them :(

Can't use chalk either...

I could go on and on but bottom line is I've signed a 6 month contract and I've never felt as down on my training as I do right now. I'm right on the business end of my HST (final 2 weeks of 5-3 reps) and I can't be bothered! so much so I went to the gym last night and just did some silly arm blaster routine and trained biceps for 45 mins lol :D

Think I'll have the next 2 weeks off and I'm thinking of starting DoggCrapp.
Pull yourself together man!

But I feel your pain, my gym isn't shiny and new but it's a bit of the same story. I'm that miserable bloke that just wants everyone to get out of my way and move so I can do my bit and go. I would love to train at a gym like your other.

You should use your 6 months to just scope out a hardcore gym, and get back to your training as it should be.

I bet you have to contend with 'Mr Muscle' at your gym who will spend 18 days straight on the same machine/bench/dumbell just doing utter crap. I have three of them at my gym and it's just comical.

If it makes you feel better I'm going to have to buy some more weight for my gym as there's just not enough there...how annoying. I'm not sure what the insurance implications if any there would be for that but I'm going to find out tomorrow.

I can't imagine you training at a JJB gym! We have one here In Gloucester and it's, as you say it's a shiny shiny pretty boy gym from what I've seen. (Obviously I know not everyone who goes is like that :D)
I've just been forced to change gyms as my spit and sawdust gym has been sold to developers :( Joined a brand new JJB that opened 2 weeks ago and I absolutely hate it!

Big shiny, super slippy oly bars that are just awful. They're so bad they're affecting my bench press!! The benches are super skinny so it's impossible to set myself up and get my back stable, absolute joke tbh. Don't even ask me about deadlifting with them :(

Can't use chalk either...

I could go on and on but bottom line is I've signed a 6 month contract and I've never felt as down on my training as I do right now. I'm right on the business end of my HST (final 2 weeks of 5-3 reps) and I can't be bothered! so much so I went to the gym last night and just did some silly arm blaster routine and trained biceps for 45 mins lol :D

Think I'll have the next 2 weeks off and I'm thinking of starting DoggCrapp.

Use liquid chalk. It's not as good as standard chalk but it helps dry your hands out. Smother them in it and then grab the bar, I reckon you'll be ok.

Think Oddjob was doing DC for a while, said it was absolutely insane.
Ouch Chong, can sympathise as all i've been doing is cycling 2/3 times a week since I quit my full time job in August, back at my old part time job (for the third time), i'll be able to afford the gym next payday (3 weeks!)
I would say so as I feel very weak. The heaviest things i've got to lift are 15kg boxes at work! Apart from my own lazy arse :p

I wouldn't say i'm getting fat though, i've still got fairly low body fat so in that respect i'm happy. I've got 9/10 months before I go to uni, so i'm going to make the most of that.
Use liquid chalk. It's not as good as standard chalk but it helps dry your hands out. Smother them in it and then grab the bar, I reckon you'll be ok.
Yeah MP have promised they're getting some in the next couple of weeks, I don't need any yet as I'm going to have 2 weeks off over Christmas, recharge my batteries and get some enthusiasm back.
Think Oddjob was doing DC for a while, said it was absolutely insane.
Yep... just my style ;) :D
I can't imagine you training at a JJB gym! We have one here In Gloucester and it's, as you say it's a shiny shiny pretty boy gym from what I've seen. (Obviously I know not everyone who goes is like that :D)
Yeah it doesn't suit me... :(

You should the looks I get as I huff, puff and grunt my way through a session of deadlifts, HC2PP, squats, etc as they go through some concentration curls supersetted with kickbacks lol :D

Haven't seen a single person deadlift yet. Seen one group of rugby lads squatting with most shocking form you've EVER seen though! Knee's knocking, lowering to 45 degree's and then a kind of good morning...
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Big shiny, super slippy oly bars that are just awful. They're so bad they're affecting my bench press!! The benches are super skinny so it's impossible to set myself up and get my back stable, absolute joke tbh. Don't even ask me about deadlifting with them :(

i hate new bars, my gym has been refitted (finally finished tonight, but its meant me not being able to get in the gym for a couple of days, though its probably for the best as im ill haha) and it has new everything.
i can remember the last time they changed the bars, my hands would get wider while benching to the point that i was almost unable to place the bar back onto the stands because my hands would have been in the way!!

As for skinny benches, i have had to use a few recently (have now been replaced though!) which have causes pressure marks down my back where my shoulder blades go over the sides. 2 long red and purple pressure marks :D
wife hated it hehe
Ugh, I was at David lloyd tonight and their decline bench is downright unsafe! The leg rest part has been bolted in place so it can't be adjusted... which means if you're less than 6'4 you have to unrack the bar with your arms quite a way past 90 degrees!

Smolov squat routine

Ah thanks Wardie, that looks great! I'll give it a go!
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In need of some advice, regarding nutrition(didn't see the point in starting a new thread):

I'm finding it pretty difficult to bulk up, and also to keep a consistent diet. My work schedule varies every daily/weekly. Some days I start at 9am, some days I start at 11am, others at 12pm. Once I've started work, I could be waiting until around 3:30 - 4pm until I get my lunch break(I try to cram in as much calories during this time as possible, but end up feeling bloated). After lunch, I don't get home until around 6:30. I work on a shop floor all day, so it's also difficult to get snacks in.

My current daily diet, consists of the following(roughly):
Morning: 1 Bowl of Porridge. Scrambled Egg(2 eggs).
11am: Tuna and Mayo sandwich
Lunch(around 3pm): Chicken and bacon baguette, Smoothie, Chicken bites, Dry nuts, Snack bar(usually high in calories).
7pm: 2x Slices of Fish, 2x Baked potatoes with beans.
10pm: Tin of Tuna, sometimes another bowl of porrige.

It looks pretty terrible, now that it's written down. :(
I also go to the supermarket somedays, hoping to buy some good foods, but end up wondering around not knowing what to buy myself.

All I can really say, is eat more. Use full fat milk as well if you aren't already, and double rations :p. Would skip the snack bar and the chicken bites (whole foods are so much better), try having 4 or more eggs, and more porridge for a start :).
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