GordyR's Beginners Guide to Bodybuilding

Duradrum said:
Thanks mate. I'm 6'3".
Don't take this the wrong way, but what measurements are you? chest, waist, thigh etc. Only at 6'3 the scale of your build in the pics would make me guess at a fair bit more than 13 st 3
bam0 said:
Don't take this the wrong way, but what measurements are you? chest, waist, thigh etc. Only at 6'3 the scale of your build in the pics would make me guess at a fair bit more than 13 st 3

Tbh, i was thinking the same thing, I'm 6ft 1" at 13st 8Ilbs with low body fat. He's got to be heavier than that?
From those pictures I thought he would be smaller, that's why I asked. I'm 6ft2, 13st8 (190lbs) 13%BF, and he looks bigger than me, but it could just be the lighting or the pose that makes him look bigger.
Hi dudes, yup really am 6'3" and scales say the weights I quoted! Waist is approx 36 inches in largest place (just above hips) and 33 inches just above belly button. My frame is quite small maybe thats why I weigh less?

EDIT - A standard doorframe is 6'6" so you can see my height in the pic! Also, I always take my weight first thing in the morning. If I weigh myself again later on in the day, I can have put on 5-7 pounds, it fluctuates that much. But for consistency purposes I always weigh and record in the morning.
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hi lads...

cheers for putting this thread together.. its served as a nice base for my research on this topic...

when i look at the routines people are postin on the net i am always saying to myself....... 'gosh, that seems like a lot of exercises' ... if there is such an emphasis on 'less is more' in bodybuilding, why are people doing so many exercises?

feel free to shoot me down on this, infact, if you can, go ahead and do it, i want to be proved wrong and shown the right way, but is there anything fundamentally 'wrong' or disadvantageous with having a very basic workout regime based upon compound exercises?


chest & back: bench press, Bent-over Row
legs: hack squat, deadlift
shoulders & arms: close grip bench press, military press

(yeah if you noticed, theyre all barbell exercises.. for a reason.. simplicity ;))

after all, if you're gonna get most of your mass from compound exercises, can the amateur who wants to 'keep fit' (real reason: wanna look like a model .. lol admit it we're vain ;)) (as opposed to looking like arnie) make his life easier by performing a simple workout as opposed to a very micro managed and detailed plan? i have to be honest with myself, the more simplistic i can make this the more chance i have of following it through.. im not one to set my sights beyond the unreasonable...

your criticism and knowledge is most welcome... :)
^ IMO, there's nothing wrong with having a routine based on compounds, infact I prefer it. I've just finished Bill Starrs 5x5 program and that's based on the big compound exercises. Bench press, squat and bent over row on Monday, deadlift, shoulder press and pullups on Wednesday and bench press, squat and bent over row again on Friday. The only assistance exercises I've done over the last 3 months are a few sets of situps on Mondays and a few sets of bicep curls and skullcrushers on Fridays. My goals from doing 5x5 were to put on some lean muscle and increase my strength. I followed a set plan and achieved my goals.

There's a lot of people that can offer better advice than me but I would say you could easily achieve your goals if you base your workout on compounds aound the 8-12 rep range and include a bit of cardio.
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Hi there

Was wondering if anyone could help me with my diet. Basically I've started to go to the gym in aim of losing fat and gaining muscle. Now according to my scales I currently weigh about 200 pounds, a lot of which, is fat. I've sorted out a gym routine which consists of:

Monday - Weights
Tuesday - CV
Wednesday - Weights
Thursday - Rest
Friday - Weights
Saturday - CV
Sunday - Rest

All weight lifting days consist of high reps and lower weight. On CV days I'll be doing HIIT.

Now problem is because I've got a fair bit of fat to shift, I imagine I've got to go on a cutting diet first, before a normal bulking diet. Is this correct? I've included 3 weight days into my routine so I have some muscle to show for when the fat comes off.

My second problem is that I'm not really sure on an appropriate diet. Like how many calories I should be eating, How much protein, Carbs and fats. (For protein I'm going to having whey in water)

Would be great if someone could give me some help on this. ;)

Many thanks,

oddjob62 said:
Use low reps high weight resistance exercise to build muscle. Use diet and HIIT to lose fat.

Yeah perhaps I decided to use the lower weights/higher reps thing to contribute to my fat loss. So maybe diet and HIIT will be good enough alone.

Thanks :)
Anders0n said:
Yeah perhaps I decided to use the lower weights/higher reps thing to contribute to my fat loss. So maybe diet and HIIT will be good enough alone.

I hope you don't mean you are not going to do weights... a combined resistance and cardio routine works much better than cardio on its own
oddjob62 said:
I hope you don't mean you are not going to do weights... a combined resistance and cardio routine works much better than cardio on its own

No sorry I meant I wasnt going to do lighter weights/higher reps.
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