GordyR's Beginners Guide to Bodybuilding

Brilliant post Chong Warrior. :)

To Archibald0, like CW has said, drop the neck and wrists exercises, they are pointless, especially the wrist ones. You'll do yourself an injury and when you fubar one or both of your wrists, you can say goodbye to any routine you had for the upper body because you'll not be able to do them. You'll be targetting your forearms more than anything doing wrist exercises. Why not focus on improving your grip instead?
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Great post chong, really puts into perspective some of the importance of each exercises. I think i'll use that as a guide when I change my routine.

Triceps pressdowns (angled bar) - 90, that really is a great exercise for the triceps!
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Very noticeable improvement there Richdog :)

I think my pic would give you nightmares, I'd be the first to admit I look very strange :p
Dr.EM said:
Very noticeable improvement there Richdog :)

Heh thanks, it's getting more-so now as i've started doing heavier weights training. I'll post another pic in a month or two to compare it again. :)

I think my pic would give you nightmares, I'd be the first to admit I look very strange :p

lol i'm sure you look fine mate, this isn't a beauty contest thread. If you want to post a pic do it, they can't be any sillier than mine. :D
Richdog said:
lol i'm sure you look fine mate, this isn't a beauty contest thread. If you want to post a pic do it, they can't be any sillier than mine. :D


For sure. Posting pictures and allowing others to comment on your progress is an excellent way of knowing how you are coming along. There are a lot of well informed, smart, and helpful people on here who will point you along in a constructive manner.
Archibald0 said:
yeah, the one guy near the end, liftin in some competition. looks like he broke his back or somethin :eek:

Yeah, the squatting ones look the worst. The one thing that raised a smile was the bench press, and the guy not being able to raise the barbell back onto the ledge, I've done that before, and the whole lowering the barbell to your body and rolling it off sideways. lol :D The perils of working out alone.
abruzz1 said:
Yeah, the squatting ones look the worst. The one thing that raised a smile was the bench press, and the guy not being able to raise the barbell back onto the ledge, I've done that before, and the whole lowering the barbell to your body and rolling it off sideways. lol :D The perils of working out alone.

Be careful. I believe people have dropped bars on their necks before and choked. I've dropped a bar on myself once whilst benching a few years back, luckily for myself it was a relatively light weight, about 70KGs if I remember correctly. Needless to say it was painful enough rolling it off my body to realise that it's something that I'd never put myself in the risk of repeating.

Anyway, I'm sure you already know that you must be careful.
S7yl3s said:
Be careful. I believe people have dropped bars on their necks before and choked. I've dropped a bar on myself once whilst benching a few years back, luckily for myself it was a relatively light weight, about 70KGs if I remember correctly. Needless to say it was painful enough rolling it off my body to realise that it's something that I'd never put myself in the risk of repeating.

Anyway, I'm sure you already know that you must be careful.

Yeah, it's the type of mistake you only make once. At that time I was doing 3x10, it was on the last set and last rep, I should have stopped on the 9th rep because I stuggled bringing it back up. I guess most of us think we can squeeze that last rep. But it was a lesson learned. The good thing is that I don't have any trouble lowering the bar onto myself and then shifting it to one side, I just didn't have the strength to raise both arms up and rest the barbell back on the ledges.

I'm at the gym today doing bench press. Then, this 30 year old guy comes up and starts telling me how to bench. Fine, its all well and good to have someone refine your technique, especially if you've only been lifting for two months.

Its not fine when he tells you:

1) Exhale at the bottom of the lift
2) Hold your arms out at a 90? angle
3) Touch the bar to your neck

Aside from the likelihood of shoulder damage with any weight on the bar, a torn pec from getting your elbows down so low, and the fact that if you get stuck, you have a barbell on your NECK, it seems like great advice.
Wow... been doing a lot of crunches and it's amazing how much my abs have grown... seriously they're ******* hunge now! Only problem is I haven't lost the weight via diet yet so you can't really see them. As soon as the little extra weight comes off though wow... proper washboard six-pack. :)
Skull said:
I'm at the gym today doing bench press. Then, this 30 year old guy comes up and starts telling me how to bench. Fine, its all well and good to have someone refine your technique, especially if you've only been lifting for two months.

Its not fine when he tells you:

1) Exhale at the bottom of the lift
2) Hold your arms out at a 90? angle
3) Touch the bar to your neck

Aside from the likelihood of shoulder damage with any weight on the bar, a torn pec from getting your elbows down so low, and the fact that if you get stuck, you have a barbell on your NECK, it seems like great advice.
Hope you told him he's a tool?
Skull said:
I'm at the gym today doing bench press. Then, this 30 year old guy comes up and starts telling me how to bench. Fine, its all well and good to have someone refine your technique, especially if you've only been lifting for two months.

Its not fine when he tells you:

1) Exhale at the bottom of the lift
2) Hold your arms out at a 90? angle
3) Touch the bar to your neck

Aside from the likelihood of shoulder damage with any weight on the bar, a torn pec from getting your elbows down so low, and the fact that if you get stuck, you have a barbell on your NECK, it seems like great advice.

Don't listen to these people mate, they don't know any good. Research your form and if you must have it shown to you, make sure it's someone you know you can trust. If I were you I'd tell the bloke what it is HE is doing wrong and help him out. But of course he probably won't listen.

Expect to see him ego lifting within the next couple of visits to the gym, and then not for a very long time after his horrible shoulder injury.
Skull said:
I'm at the gym today doing bench press. Then, this 30 year old guy comes up and starts telling me how to bench. Fine, its all well and good to have someone refine your technique, especially if you've only been lifting for two months.

Its not fine when he tells you:

1) Exhale at the bottom of the lift
2) Hold your arms out at a 90? angle
3) Touch the bar to your neck

Aside from the likelihood of shoulder damage with any weight on the bar, a torn pec from getting your elbows down so low, and the fact that if you get stuck, you have a barbell on your NECK, it seems like great advice.

Best thing in these situations is to slowly nod while they're talking to you so it looks like your listening, then once they've finished say thanks and carry on as you were! ;)
Im pretty sure that same guy goes to my gym, hes around 55 and has been going for the past 10 years, the things he comes out with are funny, pretty much jerks everything, that said, hes still better than 95% of 55 year olds.
I have many mates who know nothing at all about weight lifting / bodybuilding and will actively argue with me about something they know nothing about. Sometimes saying completely ridiculous things that I just don't know where they could have heard such rubbish.

Some people out there just think they are well informed when in truth they know nothing. Saying that, I do enjoy a good argument with them. Because I know I'm right.
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