GordyR's Beginners Guide to Bodybuilding

i wouldn't go full fat milk...semi skimmed would be a lot better

also i prefer flax oil - buying actual flax seeds means having to grind them yourself, too much effort :p
Anders0n said:
Sorry I meant what does it do for you over normal whey?

Pretty much what it says, iirc whey alone won't be enough - it's why people add oats in because when carbs are mixed with protein it helps fix the tears in the muscles.
Anders0n said:
Sorry I meant what does it do for you over normal whey?

Weight Gainer is more of a Meal replacement. It will contain Whey, but will also contain a large amount of carbs, something such as Maltodextrin which is a man made altered form of sugar. They will no doubt contain that certain companies "magic formula" and end up being very expensive.

Basically the whey is used as the protein source to repair your muscles and the carbs in the weight gain would be used as energy, which would in turn allow the protein to be used for the correct job and not wasted as energy. I wouldn't highly recommend steering clear of the weight gain products as they will clear your bank right out and offer no benefit over buying ingredients yourself and making your own shakes.

A simple 'weight gain' shake would be some whey, let's say 50g, 100g of Oats, 5-10ml Flax oil. Simple and very very cheap. The Whey is £23 for 10lbs of the stuff and 1KG of oats can be picked up for roughly 50p. The flax is cheap too. This is the way to go, and will work out being more effective as you know exactly what is going into the shake and cheaper for yourself.
S7yl3s said:

Keep yourself to yourself :eek:

What would you prefer, 2 or 3 days a week.

Sorry for the delay... went out last night. *holds head*

3 days would be good, I think I need that amount now. :)
Monday (Chest/Shoulder/Triceps)

Flat Bench Press – 3x8
Incline Dumbbell Bench – 3x8
Skull Crushers – 3x8 (similar to lying tricep extensions)
Close Grip Bench Press – 3x8
Seated Dumbbell Military Press -3x8
Lateral Dumbbell Raises – 3x8
Calf Raises

Wednesday (Back/Biceps)

Dead lifts – 3x8
Bent Over Barbell Rows – 3x8
Pull ups or Pull Downs, alternate week to week 3x8
Barbell Bicep Curl -3x8
One arm Dumbbell hammer Curls – 3x8
Calf Raises

Friday (Legs/Abs)

Barbell Squats – 3x8
Dumbbell Lunges – 3x8
Calf Raises-4x10

I'd train abs on the 2-3 days in between so if you were training 3 times mon, wed, and fri, abs would be tues, thurs, sat.

That is just the basic workout from the front page of this thread, with a couple of changes down to my personal preferences. There are probably some minor changes that can be made, I'll have a better look later.
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S7yl3s said:
Weight Gainer is more of a Meal replacement. It will contain Whey, but will also contain a large amount of carbs, something such as Maltodextrin which is a man made altered form of sugar. They will no doubt contain that certain companies "magic formula" and end up being very expensive.

Basically the whey is used as the protein source to repair your muscles and the carbs in the weight gain would be used as energy, which would in turn allow the protein to be used for the correct job and not wasted as energy. I wouldn't highly recommend steering clear of the weight gain products as they will clear your bank right out and offer no benefit over buying ingredients yourself and making your own shakes.

A simple 'weight gain' shake would be some whey, let's say 50g, 100g of Oats, 5-10ml Flax oil. Simple and very very cheap. The Whey is £23 for 10lbs of the stuff and 1KG of oats can be picked up for roughly 50p. The flax is cheap too. This is the way to go, and will work out being more effective as you know exactly what is going into the shake and cheaper for yourself.

Thanks mate. :)

Asked on behalf on my mate who has just started weight training and went out and bought some weight gainer when I advised him to get some whey. I was also just wondering what was in the stuff.

Looking to get back into the training fold myself soon, cant wait! :D
S7yl3s said:
Monday (Chest/Shoulder/Triceps)

Flat Bench Press – 3x8
Incline Dumbbell Bench – 3x8
Skull Crushers – 3x8 (similar to lying tricep extensions)
Close Grip Bench Press – 3x8
Seated Dumbbell Military Press -3x8
Lateral Dumbbell Raises – 3x8
Calf Raises

Wednesday (Back/Biceps)

Dead lifts – 3x8
Bent Over Barbell Rows – 3x8
Pull ups or Pull Downs, alternate week to week 3x8
Barbell Bicep Curl -3x8
One arm Dumbbell hammer Curls – 3x8
Calf Raises

Friday (Legs/Abs)

Barbell Squats – 3x8
Dumbbell Lunges – 3x8
Calf Raises-4x10

I'd train abs on the 2-3 days in between so if you were training 3 times mon, wed, and fri, abs would be tues, thurs, sat.

That is just the basic workout from the front page of this thread, with a couple of changes down to my personal preferences. There are probably some minor changes that can be made, I'll have a better look later.

Thanks mate, gonna give that a good bash! Much appreciated!

On a good note, went to the gym tonight for a couple of hours and got chatting to the fit gym instructor, found out she's single and lives not far away. She came up to talk to me too, so should make chatitng easier every time I go. Also another girl who i've fancied for ages kept walking past me and giving me long looks and smiling so with any luck I can start chatting to her too soon. She wears these tight trackies that pinch inside her pert bum... *sigh*

Richdog said:
Thanks mate, gonna give that a good bash! Much appreciated!

On a good note, went to the gym tonight for a couple of hours and got chatting to the fit gym instructor, found out she's single and lives not far away. She came up to talk to me too, so should make chatitng easier every time I go. Also another girl who i've fancied for ages kept walking past me and giving me long looks and smiling so with any luck I can start chatting to her too soon. She wears these tight trackies that pinch inside her pert bum... *sigh*


No worries mate :) If you don't find yourself responding with 8 reps up it to 10. But 8 should be just fine, a good comprimise between size and strength.

Sounds VERY nice with the fit instructor! You have it made. You know what I'm going to say though don't you... Don't let it distract you from your workout! Not because you'll not do the workout properly, that's up to you and your motivation, but if you become distracted whilst lifting it's just all too easy to hurt yourself.

Happy hot bird hunting, and happy lifting!
Heh not to worry mate I don't get distracted like that... only chat to them inbetween sets, when i'm lifting I have eyes only for me. :D

On a side-note all of this gym stuff is proving terrible for my vanity, now that i'm starting to get a bit of definition and some noticeable abs/pecs it's really hard not to look in mirrors and inwardly admire yourself, and it definately boosts confidence. I suppose i've always had a little vanity, but never enough for me to actually really notice it. :(

ahh who gives a damn, I could do with mroe confidence anyhow. As long as doesn't turn into arrogance (my pet hate) I should be fine. :)
Anders0n said:
Thanks mate. :)

Asked on behalf on my mate who has just started weight training and went out and bought some weight gainer when I advised him to get some whey. I was also just wondering what was in the stuff.

Looking to get back into the training fold myself soon, cant wait! :D

Again, no worries :) Next time catch your mate before he buys the stuff and impress him with your knowledge of supplements! Stick with the basics, you'll save money and see good results.

When are you thinking of getting back into training? Even on my week / 2 weeks off training to avoid plateu and give my body a chance, I miss it so bad. Just finished training about 1 hour ago myself, late one tonight but had to be done, and I feel good. Legs tomorrow, oh the joy :P
Richdog said:
Heh not to worry mate I don't get distracted like that... only chat to them inbetween sets, when i'm lifting I have eyes only for me. :D

On a side-note all of this gym stuff is proving terrible for my vanity, now that i'm starting to get a bit of definition and some noticeable abs/pecs it's really hard not to look in mirrors and inwardly admire yourself, and it definately boosts confidence. I suppose i've always had a little vanity, but never enough for me to actually really notice it. :(

ahh who gives a damn, I could do with mroe confidence anyhow. As long as doesn't turn into arrogance (my pet hate) I should be fine. :)

Mirrors are there to look in! I have mirrors in my place and I use them to check myself out all the time (not in a gay way lol), I mean to see where I'm getting good development, what I could improve etc. The way I see it is you're working damn hard in the gym to get the body YOU want so why not admire it? If I was working my ass off and just went and bought myself that M3 I want, I'd damn well drive it every opportunity I had! I can tell by the manner of your posts on here that you won't become arrogant, so don't worry about that. Just don't go around telling people that YOU ARE THE MAN and you should be just fine :P
Hi all...

At the moment I'm working on mainly losing weight, for this I'm doing Cardio (tredmill). I also heard its very good to also lift aswell as doing cardio...

At the moment I'm doing say 30mins on the tredmill (5 days a week) and lifting 3 days a week (Wednesday, Friday and Sunday) so monday and tuesday are my days off. Is doing the cardio like that ok? or am I doing to much for my muscles too relax?

I will post more on the routine and diet tommrow as I'm sure it needs to be looked at (I am very new to all this). This thread is very helpful, for a beginner such as me its been a great help in getting my foot in the door of a healthy life! :)
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squarepusher said:
Hi all...

At the moment I'm working on mainly losing weight, for this I'm doing Cardio (tredmill). I also heard its very good to also lift aswell as doing cardio...

At the moment I'm doing say 30mins on the tredmill (5 days a week) and lifting 3 days a week (Wednesday, Friday and Sunday) so monday and tuesday are my days off. Is doing the cardio like that ok? or am I doing to much for my muscles too relax?

I will post more on the routine and diet tommrow as I'm sure it needs to be looked at (I am very new to all this). This thread is very helpful, for a beginner such as me its been a great help in getting my foot in the door of a healthy life! :)

EDIT: Also... while I'm making this post, Since I'm looking to lose weight, I think (if I remeber correctly what my friday told me) is that I want a lot of protein, and for this you can get protein shakes, what sort or makes should I look for - I havnt looked into this to much, just thought I'd creep it in.

For loosing fat I believe it's best to do cardio first thing in the morning, although I know that's not possible for everyone. There isn't such magic trick to loosing weight/fat, it's just simply burn more calories than you're consuming. With the added cardio you'll be burning more calories. Weight lifting won't burn calories as such.

Step 1: For the next 7 days write a diet journal. Write down everything you eat, so a description, calories, protein, carbs and fat in the serving you are eating. This will mean weighing out on scales for a week but it's worth it. At the end of the week post it here, and we can help much more.

No, I don't think you're doing too much, you've got two full days off and if I'm reading correctly 2 more of those days are just light cardio, that's just fine.

Regarding the protein I believe you're getting your wires crossed a little. You have the right idea though. When 'bulking', which is putting weight on and building muscle you will eat a set amount of protein a day and a high amount of carbs, and then when 'cutting' which is dropping your bodyfat % down and maintaining the muscle you have built, you will up the protein and drop the carbs down.

Really you should consider what is more important to you at the moment, building muscle or loosing fat? I would say build some quality muscle for a couple months then loose the fat, in time for summer. You can't do both together.
How are mussels as a meal?

Reason I ask is that when I go into town I sometimes eat at this cafe which usually has Moules Marianes(sp?) (mussels, white wine and shallot sauce with some garlic bread). I don't have this often but it's damn tasty :D
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