GordyR's Beginners Guide to Bodybuilding

Random Thought : One thing that may be worth stressing more is the need of plenty of water when taking creatine, as it may cause kidney damage if ytou don't drink enough.
Chong Warrior said:
I've said this before, I can't tell the difference between Stiff-Legged deadlifts and Romanian deadlifts :confused:
SLDL's are straight legged, good chance that what you refer to as stiff legged is more of a hybrid of RDL's and SLDL's, main differences being RDL's have bent knees, and you have the bar further away from you.
This is what I call an SLDL (stiff-legged deadlift) - http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/ErectorSpinae/BBStiffLegDeadlift.html (though to be honest I do it with better form than him lol ;) watch him round his lower back :eek: )

I think this is what most people do, some call it a Romanian Deadlift? I presume this is how you do it also?

I've been reading on google for last 10 mins and there's a lot of mixed info. At the end of the day it's just important the exercise is performed correctly for the right reasons.

This is a good (long) thread on the subject http://www.t-nation.com/readTopic.do?id=818462

The example at the bottom of here is how I do it with perfect form:
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When I first started doing them I let it reach the floor by bending my knees more, but now I try not to bend my knees to much and just go down as far as my back stays horizontal.
$loth said:
Anybody here rate leg curls (lying or otherwise). I've been doing lying legcurls and they work the hamstring well :)
Abit like comparing close grip pull-ups to concentration curls for building the biceps.

Imho SLDL's or Romanian Deadlifts are far superior to leg curls.
$loth said:
Anybody here rate leg curls (lying or otherwise). I've been doing lying legcurls and they work the hamstring well :)

a lot of the time i find that leg curls hit the hams more than SLDLs, generally i do both though as there is benefit in doing both for me :]
Chong Warrior said:
Just a quickie... do you two do the leg curls before or after you do these? Superset even when feeling brave?

Hardcore 1
Hardcore 2

do SLDLs first.

Hardcore 1, we have 2 of those in the gym, usually occupied by old women in tight bottoms... bleh!!
Right I've been having a very on/off relationship with the gym lately and it's time I came back for good (used to go there back in my college days almost 2 years ago). I used to be quite fit back in my college days, visiting gym 3-4 times a week and playing rugby. However, it went downhill when I finished my A Levels, I ended up piling on over 4 stone and no exercise whatsoever. Things have changed for the better when I got my current job and managed to lose 2 stone without any real sort of dieting. I simply cut out all the crisps, litres of fizzy drinks and pizzas before going to sleep. Don't get me wrong I still mostly eat rubbish, but I avoid the biggest culprints and try to eat more veg (everytime I want chocolate I just grab an apple and so on).

Anyhown there's no excuse not to go either since my local gym only charges 25 quid for a month and it's been recently refurbished with brand new equipment. Oh did I mention it's only 10 minutes away from my house? I am getting paid tomorrow as well so can invest in some whey protein and creatine (www.myprotein.co.uk looks good). I don't really have a concrete programme yet but the current plan is to visit the gym 4-5 times a week and I try to exercise one group of muscles each day. In the meantime here are some measurements and pictures (pictures to come later I think I'll try and update those once a month).

Stomach - 38 inches
Chest - 42 inches
Arms - 14 inches
Thighs 23.5 inches

(Anything else I need to measure?)

Here's are finally some pictures:

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neoboy, good luck with it all. feel free to measure as much as you want, the more you measure the better you can figure out where you are gaining / losing :]

for the myprotien order, feel free to use code MP15628, you will get 5% off your first order :]
Chong Warrior said:
Just a quickie... do you two do the leg curls before or after you do these? Superset even when feeling brave?

Hardcore 1
Hardcore 2

I'm confused as to how to take this, but it looks like a 'women' dig ;)

I do my SLDLs, hammering myself and then hit the curls for 2 sets to just really flush out. It's always worked great for me.
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