GordyR's Beginners Guide to Bodybuilding

suicidle_tramp said:
I stopped doing Ball Squats and Lunges and changed them for just squats (8-10 x 4 50kg). I'm doing them along with leg curls and knee extensor's. Is that sufficient enough?

Yeah. You could always introduce some calf raises if you wanted another leg exercise.
Balddog said:
Mainly because having big shoulders hides my gut...if my shoulders shrink, ill look like even more of a fat biffa.

Do more lats and you'll get even wider up top.

You say you can't lift your own body weight for pull-ups.......not even for 2-3? Try doing 8 in as many sets as it takes on top of the pulldowns you'd usually do.
SteveC said:

Is there any such thing as an incline fly? If so is it worht doing?

Yes there is, I think it works the top part of your chest more, although don't take my word for it. Do a google, might come up with some results on the muscle gorup it works.
I've been hammering the weights for the last couple of months, I'll take some notes of what I'm doing at the moment...

Gordy i'm jelous of your 6% fat ration, I used to have that when I was about 21. But long go are the days of 13 swimming sessions a week
There's a few body fat calculators online, can google for them, although I wouldn't say they were entirely accurate.

Body fat callipers are another method, and at a guess they're probably gonna give you a more realistic figure - cant say I've ever used these though so I'm just presuming here, maybe someone who knows more will come along and give you a better answer.
Quick question, after my workouts my muscles feel tired for about 5 minutes then they feel fine, I was expecting them to ache for a few hours.

Is hypertrophy a process that we don't feel whatsoever, or does hypotrophy occur when we actually feel our muscles aching the next day etc?
iCraig said:
Quick question, after my workouts my muscles feel tired for about 5 minutes then they feel fine, I was expecting them to ache for a few hours.

Is hypertrophy a process that we don't feel whatsoever, or does hypotrophy occur when we actually feel our muscles aching the next day etc?

No, DOMS (delayes onset muscle soreness) is no indication of growth.
iCraig said:
Quick question, after my workouts my muscles feel tired for about 5 minutes then they feel fine, I was expecting them to ache for a few hours.

They should feel relatively fine within a few minutes. Although you will likely feel a tad weaker. They next day is usually when DOMS kicks in and this is the aching I imagine you are referring to. The severity of the ache varies from person to person but don't make the mistake of thinking DOMS is an indication of growth.

iCraig said:
Is hypertrophy a process that we don't feel whatsoever, or does hypotrophy occur when we actually feel our muscles aching the next day etc?

Hypertrophy is simply the medical term for muscle growth or more specifically "nontumorous enlargement of an organ or a tissue as a result of an increase in the size rather than the number of constituent cells".

As far as I am aware most hypertrophy usually occurs within 3-4 days of a workout. You can't feel it happening. When you are lifting weights you are damaging your muscles. They then spend a certain amount of time repairing. After this assuming your workout, diet and sleep are all in check, hypertrophy will begin.
I'm going to start training soon, joining a gym with a weight trainer friend. I'm looking to get some good definition, but I'm not too sure about putting any weight on. As i play a lot of football i wouldn't want to carry any excess weight. I'd say my height to weight ratio is pretty good at the moment, 6'1 180lb's. Now i think Id probably be able to carry an extra few pounds, however id like to get some of the weight round the waist off first.

I don't want to get tight round the leg muscles, but some more muscle there wouldn't hurt. Would like to build up upper body too especially round the arms, they are a bit pathetic at the moment :o

Any advice most appreciated.
Right. I'm sick to death of being skinny and am wanting to seriously start putting on some muscle. However I have a few questions.

I do Jujitsu on a Monday and a Thursday. What would be the best days to lift on? I don't want to be aching for Jujitsu, it places enough strain on my weak, nerdy body as it is.

There's no way I can get enough protein through a normal diet so I'll have to go the protein drink route, however i have a problem. I hate milk/milkshakes and can't stand porridge. If I stuck some whey protein and a load of fruit in a blender, would I be able to taste the protein?

Thanks :)
FishFluff said:
Right. I'm sick to death of being skinny and am wanting to seriously start putting on some muscle. However I have a few questions.

I do Jujitsu on a Monday and a Thursday. What would be the best days to lift on? I don't want to be aching for Jujitsu, it places enough strain on my weak, nerdy body as it is.

There's no way I can get enough protein through a normal diet so I'll have to go the protein drink route, however i have a problem. I hate milk/milkshakes and can't stand porridge. If I stuck some whey protein and a load of fruit in a blender, would I be able to taste the protein?

Thanks :)

If you want to bulk i would cut cardio out totally, that means no Jujisu. I'm guessing you don't want to, so lifting on days off e.g. Sunday, Wedneday, Friday is what i'd suggest.

How is there no way you can get enough protein without going with shakes? That's a silly thing to say. You could easily meet your body's requirements without shakes.

As for tasting protein you can get unflavoured whey.

There's a lot more to it than just getting enough protein too...
FishFluff said:
I do Jujitsu on a Monday and a Thursday. What would be the best days to lift on? I don't want to be aching for Jujitsu, it places enough strain on my weak, nerdy body as it is.
I only tend to ache when I have had a break from lifting. Well.. only my legs and traps ever seem to ache now from squats and deads. Just go balls out and forget the aches. Aslong as your eating and sleeping enough you'll be fine.

But in answer to your question.
I personally would lift Saturday, Sunday, Wednesday, Friday (I do 4 day split. Depends what you do)

I'm guessing Jujitsu really is quite cardio intensive. So if your bulking up, make sure you really do get enough food in you!

FishFluff said:
There's no way I can get enough protein through a normal diet so I'll have to go the protein drink route, however i have a problem. I hate milk/milkshakes and can't stand porridge. If I stuck some whey protein and a load of fruit in a blender, would I be able to taste the protein?
Egg whites, chicken, fish, lots of green veg, wholemeal bread (i like seeded batch). Theres loads of ways to get the protein inside you. And you can drink your whey with water. I never have it with milk accept before bed.

ON 100% Whey is best I've had. Mixes really well just with spoon in a glass. I've found cheaper but they just don't mix well!
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