Got knocked off my motorbike today!

Their posts do make me wonder.
They are effectively saying:
"You could have avoided that by driving at 5mph and sounding your horn with a big neon sign above your head"

I would honestly love to know what they would do in that situation.
If they are advanced trained it would be interesting, I have attended a bikesafe course and came out with pretty good marks so it cant be my training surely?
Thanks for letting me know I have a horn and breaks Steve! I would never have known that...

"Steven Lindley" I must admit on the small screen I can't see too much, but it seems clear from the video that the BMW was in plain sight from the moment it started moving. A u-turn from stationary would be something that should have at least been anticipated. While I agree the BMW driver is 100% at fault the rider had 3-4 foot to his left he could have drifted into, a horn he didn't use and a brake he didn't use.
Apart from the guy that said It wouldn't have happened if I wasn't vlogging :') hahahaha

I wasn't talking, I have my camera for exact situations like this one.
CaNsA wrote:
Even though the car driver wasnt paying attention and is at fault, the rider had ample time to brake and/or swerve.

Poor obs IMO.

Another forum member:
Perhaps you should have used your amazing 'obs' and god like reactions to avoid all those penalty points.


I went to get a quote for the replacement of my gear today. £1550.

Spoke to the bike shop about the bike, write off, but im waiting for the full quote to be sent to me to see the breakdown.

Video almost has 11k views

Shoulder still a bit sore, hip still hurts when I crouch down to do my shoes etc.
I refuse to monetize it! I hate adverts.

I think your a bit biased....If I did get one i'd only feel jealous when seeing yours at the meet.

(Ooooooer matron :o )
Might have a mosey down to the triumph dealership....
It would be rude of me not to, considering I live 4 miles from the factory and did my work experience there when I was 16 :p
Just an update to say cheque is in the post for my bike as they admitted full liability and checked it over.

Final value of the damage came to 5511.98!!?!

Time to get bike shopping.
Only with less power....and handling that isnt as sharp....and no farings.

I got a quote for 1k ahahah

ill be calling my insurance later to see what they say.
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