I've been pulled over once and stopped once.
The first time I went through a red light and looked in my rear view mirror and saw an ordinary patrol car. He follows me and pulls me over in the bus stop and asks for my details. I didn't have any ID, just my pay slip with my name on. He said I'd be getting 3 points and a fine but I've heard nothing of it and didn't get a producer either. He was a friendly cop.
The 2nd time I was teaching a friend to drive in an large empty car park late at night and a blue Skoda Favorit pulls up alongside and the bloke shows me his badge and says, "Hampshire Police. What are you up to?"
I just say i'm teaching my friend to drive and he says something along the lines of - I could give you a ticket right now but i'm going to let you off so please swap seats and be on your way - top bloke, I think he was probably just ordinary plain clothed officer like CID or something.
At my first accident the Police were called to the scene and asked me what happened blah blah, I told them I was doing 70 - whoops, didn't think, was still a bit shocked - and he says you do know it's a 60 don't you. Cue me saying yeah I know, i'm sorry. Then he says we're not going to take any further action blah blah blah, you could have been killed if you went into the trees on the opposite side of the road (boy do I know it

Good cops, sat in the front seat of his Octavia....hey, they have a wicked button called "Air Horn"

He says with the sirens on people move out of the way but when you press that EVERYONE moves out of the way!
Another top bloke. They're very friendly if you're polite to them and honest, you don't even need to brown nose them lol.