Ive been pulled over 3 times, that I can remember. Twice by beat bobbies who both said complete garbage, and once by a traffic cop.
1) Ford Fiesta 1.25 (About 6 months after passing!)
Doing 40 in a 30, Policeman accused me of doing 60 *sigh*. His justification was because he saw me overtake someone after coming off a roundabout and that he had to do 80mph to catch up with me. I was thinking hummm, but I played the game and the policeman was "ok". I was breathalised and no further action was taken after a quick vehicle check. This was at around 3am, coming back from Rileys in Derby.
2) Seat Leon 1.9 TDI
Second time was doing 60, on a short stretch of duel carridgeway that was labelled a 40. Again early in the morning, around 1-2am. I was pulled over by 2 female beat bobbies. Now fair cop I was doing 60 HOWEVER...
They pulled me over on the dual carridgeway, I only stopped because it looked like she was really angry in the rear view mirror. When she got out I asked (when she came to the window), if she wanted me to just move around the corner. She didnt reply and asked me to go and sit in her car.
I immediatly apologised for going at 60mph, and that I had no excuse. Both the cops were going red in the face, and looked really angry. Saying I was so lucky they couldnt do anything about the speeding. So instead they attacked me with random questions for about 10min. I answered them all promptly and provided evidence to all the questions. Which seemed to make them even angrier.
The checks came back fine, and we sat in silence for another 10min or so, with them both staring ahead in the front chewing really loudly. Had another random rant at me like a rubbish mother, and then asked about why am I driving a company car at night, and I was like... because I pay enough tax on it. (Was getting annoyed at this point). They said ok, on your way another quick lecture repeating loads of stuff then I got out the car.
Then they drove off. This made me so angry. Remember we are on a dual carridgeway at 1-2am, and I was just standing in the inside lane. (No hard shoulder), I really would have appreciated them sitting there and waiting for me to drive off. Sums up that normal beat bobbies seem to have little or no understanding for traffic offences, and a lack of common sense when it comes to road policing.
3) Vauxhall Omega 2.5 V6
No story to tell, This time I was pulled on the motorway, and I was pushing 85 GPS. Policeman pulled me over, and he was a really decent chap. Talked to him for a few minutes and he let me on my way. I ate humble pie
