Got sacked from job - no warnings or whatnot

Actually you're talking the "poop". Unfair dismissal protection comes after 12 months except for automatic unfair dismissal such as discrimination. This means no tribunal protection.

Also the "probation" concept is a myth from a statutory rights point of view, you have the same legal rights after 1 month as you do at 10. Less than a month is different however.

You've said I was talking poop, then explained exactly how I wasn't talking poop, then made another claim about a myth, then claimed it wasn't all that incorrect.

Well done you, so unfair dismissal protection comes in after 12 months except, thats where you went wrong. Vegetarian said you have NO RIGHTS in your first year, I didn't say you had full protection, to claim you have no comeback is 100% false, as you confirmed you have rights from basically day one in unfair dismissal.

The probation concept, what concept, you sign a different contract under probation to a full contract, and your rights DO differ, again, its really that simple. That doesn't sign away any of your other rights, but theres plenty of things in a probationary contract that are completely legal that you sign to that will be different to a normal contract. You said probation is a myth, but only from one point of view, yup, the other point of view, the things that aren't statutory rights, isn't a myth...... so it just isn't a myth because the statutory rights stuff also applies to non probationary contracts, so really it has no bearing on probation.
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Yeah, i really couldn't think of an excuse, he seems adamant that i was hung over when i was clearly driving.

I did say that i thought the funeral was for next friday, as i'm quite forgetful, but when i got in my mum reminded me, hence why i text so late :)

Yes, but you admitted you lied, after which he fired you, not before.

Driving doesn't in any way equal not hungover, millions of people around the globe, probably 100's millions drive to work while hungover.

Basically you shouldn't have lied, and then, you shouldn't have admitted you lied. 10.40pm screams "I'm getting drunk and drunk me thinks its a good idea to text you an excuse while I still remember because theres no way I'm getting out of bed tomorrow morning".
Have you been warned before. In England we have the three strikes rule.

First warning: verbal, you have so many months to improve

Second warning: verbal, you have so many months to improve under supervision from a senior member of staff

Third warning: failure to improve can lead to dismissal

However, lying to your boss is grounds for dismissal.
Having checked, afaik if you've worked there for at least a month you're probably entitled to a weeks notice so basically a week of extra pay, if you've worked there for more than a year, assuming no previous then firing you on the spot for a single lie/morning off work at late notice is almost certainly unfair dismissal and his behaviour, if he was swearing, probably wouldn't sound great in a tribunal for him.

So if you've been there 1 month to 1 year, you could try and tell him you're entitled to a weeks notice, he might give you a weeks pay.

If you've been there over a year, I'd go talk to CAB or get a free consultation with a lawyer and see what they think as you might have a case there, though I get the feeling you haven't been there that long.
Must be like those commission only sale jobs where you are self employed so the minute you hit a bad selling streak you're canned without legal hassle. Either way you sound like a terrible liar so learn and move on :D
As suggested, check out what you're entitled to. You may well have a case for two reasons, one, he swore and acted unprofessionally; two, unfair dismissal. Don't let him get away with it imo.
i was high on caffeine and when pressured into was i actually at a funeral i just said no i wasn't in the end
so you lied and said you were at a funeral.... then admit it was BS...

yea im really suprised you got fired for that :rolleyes:
As suggested, check out what you're entitled to. You may well have a case for two reasons, one, he swore and acted unprofessionally; two, unfair dismissal. Don't let him get away with it imo.

He is entitled to nothing.

He couldnt prove what the boss did or said, and yet it can be proved he lied. Simples.
It's not like i'm going to dwell on this, i was just curious as i had mates saying i should do something.

I don't care really, i was never ever going to stay in sales, it's rubbish.

I'm doing what i want to do now anyways.

Cheers though guys!
Always perpetuate the lie.

You learnt a life lesson today.

Oh and BTW funerals are usually planned a few days in advance giving you more than a few hours to inform your boss. From the moment you text him you were probably fired. Try a gastric bug next time.

Next time you're going to lie about this, explain it's a Jewish funeral. ;)

This thread seems to show the 'blame culture' at work again. You lied to your boss, got caught out and now you think you are the victim. It's disgusting.
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