Gothic 3

Under all the bugs is a brilliant game - as Neil has said it's best to wait until it has been properly patched. I have stopped playing and will give it a go in a couple of month’s time. It has a serious memory leak which has yet to be addressed in the patches.
Dumb questions before I consider buying the game: is it third person only? If it has a first-person option, is it like G2 and drops back to third-person as soon as combat starts? If it does drop back, can this be changed with an INI hack like G2?

There is normal first person which stays with you in combat. I tried it briefly, but it was too hard when fighting multiple enemies and generally losing your peripheral vision.

I think I'm nearly finished the main quest, level 62 now.
locutus12 said:
is it worth me buying & playing it if i havent played the first 2 ?


Buy this now at your own peril. I am a huge fan of the series and I think the latest game will be brilliant once patched. You only have to go over to the official forums to see the amount of issues that there are with this game. Even the developers have admitted that the game was released with major issues.
AndrewP said:
There is normal first person which stays with you in combat. I tried it briefly, but it was too hard when fighting multiple enemies and generally losing your peripheral vision.

Thanks. Sorry, but I hate third-person.

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