GPU or VR Kit

Yeh I'm already seeing the need for the 3rd sensor after playing a couple of games last night.
You could get extension cables and put them high up and diagonally, some users swear by that, I didn’t like it but my play space is quite big so that likely affected my tracking, getting the 3rd sensor improved my vr experience ten fold.
Ok thanks all for the comments. Any here use the rift with glasses? This is my next point of concern as I'm basically blind without them lol

The issue with glasses is mainly the width of the glasses, small round glasses (harry potter style) are fine, I have wider (two ronnies) style square corner frames. This causes the frame to push onto the bridge of my nose which becomes uncomfortable very quickly. I mostly wear contacts so haven't bothered with the aftermarket lens solution, would be about the same price to just get smaller glasses anyway.

You don't need a 3rd sensor for roomscale, I have mine either end of the room facing each other and it seems to work fine. I do mainly play racing sims not much roomscale stuff though.

Get VR it's the future of gaming, I rarely play anything non-VR any more.
+1 for a vr kit i would not buy a graphics card till the new releases. I got my lens from much better than glases and worth every penny
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The issue with glasses is mainly the width of the glasses, small round glasses (harry potter style) are fine, I have wider (two ronnies) style square corner frames. This causes the frame to push onto the bridge of my nose which becomes uncomfortable very quickly. I mostly wear contacts so haven't bothered with the aftermarket lens solution, would be about the same price to just get smaller glasses anyway.

You don't need a 3rd sensor for roomscale, I have mine either end of the room facing each other and it seems to work fine. I do mainly play racing sims not much roomscale stuff though.

Get VR it's the future of gaming, I rarely play anything non-VR any more.

Yeh after a few days playing its becoming abit of a faff getting position right with my glasses, they arent big and fit inside the headset fine i just worry about both sets of lenses getting scratched and its abit awkward when its to putting the headset on/off.
Yeh after a few days playing its becoming abit of a faff getting position right with my glasses, they arent big and fit inside the headset fine i just worry about both sets of lenses getting scratched and its abit awkward when its to putting the headset on/off.

You could always get some prescription lenses. I use the WidmoVR ones and they're excellent. Other lenses are also available.
My prescription is quite high, couldn't get a price when I looked, part of the reason why I thought just getting cheap small glasses would work better for me especially as I prefer to wear contacts anyway. My contacts are -8/-7 with astigmatism and I think my glasses come out at -10...which is why I don't wear them very often...
My prescription is quite high, couldn't get a price when I looked, part of the reason why I thought just getting cheap small glasses would work better for me especially as I prefer to wear contacts anyway. My contacts are -8/-7 with astigmatism and I think my glasses come out at -10...which is why I don't wear them very often...

Yeh, i've wore contacts today (dont usually, always found them abit uncomfortable). im in a touch with a couple of 3d printers to get a price for a lense insert to put some prescription lenses in. If not i've always got Widmo options but they quite pricey. I can wear the rift with my glasses its just not as comfy.
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