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GPU panic selling?

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15 Oct 2019
The year is 2022. Smokey26 finally gets a 3080 for £650. Meanwhile, others have used such GPU's since September 2020 and have had the best PC gaming experience during the long lockdown months :p Several weeks later, the 4080 launches, heralding a new era of performance.
Or maybe next week Smokey26 bags a 3080FE.
30 Nov 2011
Shops pay TAX and provide a warranty service. The "Blackmailer, drug dealer, scammer and scalper" are nothing more than an undesirable parasite on society.

Quite, scalpers that dodge tax and don't honour warranty services ARE doing something illegal, at that point they are basically the exact same as scammers

Deleted member 66701


Deleted member 66701

Shops pay TAX and provide a warranty service. The "Blackmailer, drug dealer, scammer and scalper" are nothing more than an undesirable parasite on society.

I don't think 'society' cares whether you can get a 3080 at msrp :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:

Deleted member 66701


Deleted member 66701

Quite, scalpers that dodge tax and don't honour warranty services ARE doing something illegal, at that point they are basically the exact same as scammers

There is no requirement for a warranty 2nd hand goods. As for tax, you have no way of knowing how the "scalper" handles tax, so you can't put that forward as an example of illegal activity.
7 Dec 2002
Be aware of gigabyte second hand cards !!!
Gigabyte will **** on You.
For me ONLY NEW or second hand EVGA with transferable warranty at this point.
Gigabyte will not even take a paid attempt to repair this card, the warranty claim was rejected processing fee charged an a whole lot of added

thread is mine, I learned the HARD WAY - lost A LOT of time and nearly failed my thesis ... still fingers crossed.
The journey uncovered a fatal component flaw that ALL GIGABYTE 3090 & 3080 are pron to.

Local Guy @ repair shop had like 100+ 3080/3090 cards to repair. Around 50 Gigabyte @the time that I Was his customer.

- the same story other country.

Best of luck, that video was really interesting for an old fart like me
12 Sep 2013
In mid-2022 we will see prices starting to normalize, so still a long wait...

The problem is the new norm will be a hell of a lot more than it used to be, Ignoring the mining problem we were still seeing a situation where as an example we payed xyz for a card but when the next gen released the equivalent card performance wise cost the same so we had to pay extra for more performance instead of seeing a performance improvement in a price bracket. When PC Gamings popularity started going up they started hiking prices.
30 Nov 2011
There is no requirement for a warranty 2nd hand goods. As for tax, you have no way of knowing how the "scalper" handles tax, so you can't put that forward as an example of illegal activity.

its not 2nd hand if its brand new in box and priced at 3x MSRP

otherwise your "buy low sell high" analogy is nonsense, you can't compare them to shops in one sentence and then say they don't have to honour warranty in the next
18 Oct 2002
Did a quick scan of the prices this morning, most open market prices are running at 128-130% of MSRP. There was a big fall but the fall has levelled off.

For example an Nvidia 3070 founders is going for £805 shrink-wrapped now and they were £1,050, £1,100 for a while before the crash.

For want of a better gauge I think they are mirroring the crypto-currency prices, until stock levels improve.

Deleted member 66701


Deleted member 66701

Of course society does. Why do you think they are looking in to laws against this parasitic behaviour?

They aren't looking very hard!

Even the petition fell way short of the 100k needed to ensure a parliamentary debate on the issue.

Deleted member 66701


Deleted member 66701

Did a quick scan of the prices this morning, most open market prices are running at 128-130% of MSRP. There was a big fall but the fall has levelled off.

For example an Nvidia 3070 founders is going for £805 shrink-wrapped now and they were £1,050, £1,100 for a while before the crash.

For want of a better gauge I think they are mirroring the crypto-currency prices, until stock levels improve.

I think were settled in at 30% plus msrp (unless you are lucky enough to grab an Nvidia FE direct) for the rest of the year.
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9 Mar 2016
How will you be able to tell? Even plenty of gamers are mining on their cards during their PC's downtime. You've no way of knowing, apart from buying brand new.

Oh I'll be buying a new card for sure.

In the time being I expect the market will be swamped with old mining cards which will crash all the prices.

In my dreams of course. :rolleyes:
9 Mar 2016
Congratulations on contradicting yourself in the space of a single paragraph.

"Gamers have had 9 months to buy a card at scalped prices. The people who don't yet have one are the complainers who probably aren't real gamers."

"I agree they are overpriced but you don't have to buy one."

So mashing that astounding logic together, if you didn't buy an overpriced GPU before today you aren't a gamer. And a real gamer pays the scalped prices rather than wait 9 months.

And people who stick to their budget/principles are just "complainers" rather than people who stick to their budget or principles. Like not buying from scalpers, which is a principle for many of us.

For sure - I upgraded my rig about 3 months ago, apart from the gfx card.

As you suggest, I cannot justify paying scalpers - additionally, there hasn't been any games out that my rig can't handle comfortably, so for those reasons, I'm out.

For a little while longer anyway.
16 Jan 2006
The problem is the new norm will be a hell of a lot more than it used to be, Ignoring the mining problem we were still seeing a situation where as an example we payed xyz for a card but when the next gen released the equivalent card performance wise cost the same so we had to pay extra for more performance instead of seeing a performance improvement in a price bracket. When PC Gamings popularity started going up they started hiking prices.

It's paid, not payed. Can't have payed becoming a thing

Deleted member 66701


Deleted member 66701

It just doesn't bother me. Couldn't care less about scalping luxury items. It's not like you HAVE to buy them at scalped prices is it?

Come back to me when it's water, food or some other essential item.
16 Mar 2004
Well, GPUs aren't selling within 5 minutes on MM anymore but I think that's down to recent offer drops to members too.

I'm still on a lookout for something that will fit inside the ITX case, had to go back to regular ATX since I got a good offer on MM for a Fury card but definitely in no rush now to overspend.
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