GR:AW Screenies

It's re-scheduled for a 5th May release & there is co-op, in fact a demo is coming out with co-op on:)
The co-op mode will only support 4 players on a team though.
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Thats good enough for me :)

I still cannot understand why co-op is the most overlooked gameplay mode, when it is, IMO, the best. Yet developers continue to see "deathmatch" as the number 1 multiplayer choice.

So dissapointed that the new Commandoes game lacks co-op :(

Someone needs to build a website dedicated to co-op gaming, and badgering developers to integrate it into more games...
Ive got it on the 360.. and i cant really say what looks best to be honest..

I like the guns on the pc version, but the xbox you get the man which is very nice.. they both seem to have their positives and negatives.
Sort of, it comes with 4 player but that can be modded to 32 I think. Bear in mind it's almost a completely different game to the xbox version. It shares the same name & plot, the map is 3x larger for instance & is developed by a different company too:)

JohnnyG said:
Sort of, it comes with 4 player but that can be modded to 32 I think. Bear in mind it's almost a completely different game to the xbox version. It shares the same name & plot, the map is 3x larger for instance & is developed by a different company too:)

Even so they are under the same name and will undoubtedly be compared by the masses, as they should. They must have shared content though? textures etc.. it wouldnt have made much business sense to duplicate the two games... would it? :confused:

although, we all know businesses dont always have good sense
I only stuff I've read from official sources:

'GRAW PC and consoles are two completely different games, since the expectations from PC gamers are different from their consoles homologues. We did not focus on direct action as it was the case on consoles but, once again, more on a strategic and tactical aspect. Planning will be a key aspect of the PC version. The more you prepare your attack the more it has the chance to succeed! Beside that, players will discover a new interface, unique features specially designed for the PC such as the ‘Air strike’ command or a mod system allowing creating a large number of weapons’ combinations'

Looking very nice indeed. I fully agree that co-op is bizarrely one of the most overlooked and undernourished gaming modes - for example I'd love a Tomb Raider co-op! :D
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