I think this will price my spawn out of uni, they will be relegated back to being fishermen and shop keepers.
What is the sense in getting into £80k debt for a job that will start at 20k and by the time u retire you could only be on 40k...
I assume this now means uni is only for the super rich again?
The biggest issue conservatives have is rubbish public relations, EVERYTHING they wanted to do and are doing is better than Labour, but people just don't get it.
Its this simple, your kid lives off 20k a year, he'll NEVER pay back a dime, while rich people subsidise his education by paying back substantially more than borrowed.
If he makes 40k a year, I don't think you ever "catch up" and pay off your debt, it gets wiped out later in life, its not ideal to carry around debt with you, but most people will have it, its irrelevant to living. He won't have huge payments, nor will ever pay back the full amount.
Richy rich making 100k a year, will pay back what, 2-2.5x what he borrowed, because the debt grows as he's not on a great salary, then 5-10 years later he's paying it back fast, but its a huge sum at that point. Richy is subsidising your kid on a crap salary by paying his, your kids and half of someone elses share.
Uber rich who ends up on 200k a year ends up paying it back very fast and maybe even paying less than the 100k a year guy, but this guy will pay 100k a year in taxes, for 20 years, growing every year, this is the kind of guy who pays enough tax in a lifetime to build a school or fix loads of roads, etc, etc.
At no stage do poor people lose out. Rich people lose out more at the moment, poor people get tutition paid for them and non means tested loans. I went to uni and didn't want to sponge off my parents so got no extra loans, while living with London costs, and paying my tutition fee's, and having smeg all to live off, EVERYONE who was from a poorer family than me was better off.
Now you get tutition lump sum upfront, this doesn't come out of your student loans and loans are less, or not at all means tested meaning I'd get enough to live on, as would anyone else.
Uni is FAIRER now, and your decision to go should no longer be based on how much you make afterwards, which the system in the past used to do more.
Its a complex way of writing it up and its a pretty fair way to do it, its just been horrifically badly presented.