*Gran Turismo 5 MP Thread*

Found the room randomly, joined, no mic though :|

Edit: Ok, think the name should be "OCUK mess around room" rather than "OCUK clean racing" since there's no actual racing taking place, bit of a waste of time!
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Hey swifty srry for late reply, I got so stuck into shuffle races at topgear testrack (we were allowed to ram each other jus like the numpties in the real show) and I forgot about comin back on here :/ .... ill add ya for tommrws races. Btw Shuffle races are Epic.
Time for racing now guys.
Room number is: 1472-6118-4216-8215-1498

Would actually like to do some races today too!
Need to earn some exps and crs with all this time I spend online.
current rules are something like 502hp 980kg but open to change.
how many what? laps? probably short races around 3 laps.
Might just be an open session though if no one really wants to race.
lol had a showdown with some guy, 1st got kicked out for "bumping" at start, and 2nd time got booted because I was very "aggressive". All I did was taunt him by horning at him constantly, then took over him at140mph, then at that speed I braked and he bumped me and slipped. :/ unfair dismissal me thinks.
mfw no one sets up an MP game. :rolleyes:

Indy Road, 562hp 1000kg.

I kick anyone who annoys me in the slightest, like the random guy who barely spoke english and demanded I give him free cars because he "have no money" and I "very skilled driver".
No singing, no mentioning your youtube channel.
No X1s. No Zonda Rs, No Minoltas, No FGT.
I had three people in the room just now and they all left when I set the power/weight limits. -_-

followed by a bunch of kids who thought it was ok to drive backwards if they weren't winning, park in the track, do donuts and when I sat out to moderate, half of them cut corners, with me watching, even after I repeatedly said not to. -_-
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