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Does anyone (such as the OP?) make anything from complete scratch? I.e. not a photo used with heavy chop'ing, but purely a blank screen, then 'painted' onto?

I bought a tablet couple weeks ago.. I didn't have any artistic talen anyway, but dang am I struggling to make anything.. photo manipulation I can do, just not free hand/from scratch.
Hey, I usually create work from scratch. It all depends on your style though.

I can't draw for peanuts at the moment (not done it for years and lost all talent) so I tend to do everything straight in Illustrator.

As for the graphic tablets you might find its easier to use the mouse. I tried one out a few days ago and found it very hard to use. Practice I guess.

If your completely stuck for ideas give the design a break and get looking on the net and through design books for inspiration.

A good place to start would be
I prefer the tablet, it's a lot easier to use for design I find. Also makes me feel and look leet :p Does take a lot of getting used to, but once you have it's awesome.
Have a look in the back of Creative Review mag. I think it best to get started in a print/design company rather than go freelance straight away. That way you get to know a lot of people and end up with solid commerical experience.

I've recently started working at a new design company and have taken a few clients from my old job work on their stuff from home. Lovely stuff :D
Nice work, Did you start of with a fractal for that dantonkin, and im liking the red chick and Nimzicki's stuff.

Dj_Jestar said:
Does anyone (such as the OP?) make anything from complete scratch? I.e. not a photo used with heavy chop'ing, but purely a blank screen, then 'painted' onto?

Are you trying to draw something or make a cool looking background/abstract ?

For abstract/backgrounds just get loads of cool brushes and go wild, adding new layers, blending options, colour balance etc.

Theres a cool video tutorial of a guy using painter to draw a woman from scratch with his gfx tablet as she sits in front of him but I cant for the life of me remember what it was called, I'll see if I can find it.
That would be excellent, thanks. :)

So far I've pretty much stuck to abstract, making simplistic wallpapers etc. Mostly stuff like sphere's of ice with perhaps engraved/carved text, with shadowing etc. Almost 3D modelling but all in GIMP.

I've tried to make like a comic strip or even a spot of jap-art (anime) stuff but my free hand is far to crap for that.

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