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Graphic's card advice

14 Nov 2017
Hi all,

I've just changed my computer, its no where near the "latest equipment" but it is faster than what I had and it's mainly for my children to play modern'ish game's on,

I wanted to install a newer graphic's card and tried to via ebay.

so I brought an EVGA Nvidia Gefore GTX 970, after it arrived I installed it connected up the extra power connectors and fired her up.

loading to windows and installing the driver's where no problem either, but every time I tried to play a game or even run furmark it would shut my whole computer off (as if I'd pulled the power cable out) then it would restart on itself and load back into windows without any error messages.

Games tried were:
Feed and grow fish
ARK combat evolved
and furmark GPU stress test

I had to debate with the seller to return the item and in the end paypal stepped in as I believed the card was defective?

I tried re seating the card, enabling and disabling power loading in the bios along with many other options but nothing would stop it, at a last resort I took it out and enabled my on board graphic's and repeated the same games and they worked but very laggy same with furmark.

now I've been refunded the money I wanted to tried a new card from OC but I'm just concerned it may happen again? back in my day (win 95/98) you could just install a card and drivers and away you go lol

I have roughly £150 to play with and would like to stay with Nvidia.

My current setup (don't laugh)

  • Gigabyte GA-H81M-S2H Motherboard
  • Intel Core i3-4160 Processor @ 3.6GHz
  • 8GB RAM
  • 700w PSU
  • Windows 10 pro x64

I was interested in this card but unsure?


Thank you.
19 Dec 2010
The 1050ti is a lot worse than the 970. If you could push your budget to £180, you could get a 1060 which would be a much better buy then the 1050ti.
14 Nov 2017
The 1050ti is a lot worse than the 970. If you could push your budget to £180, you could get a 1060 which would be a much better buy then the 1050ti.

hi thanks for the quick responce. would that work ok in my current setup?

the seller kept suggesting it was my setup as to why it kept cutting out.

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11 Jun 2013
Usually restarts like that would be because of a problem with power delivery, with your power supply not being able to supply enough stable current to keep up with the demands of the system. You've not specified what power supply it is, but if you experience these problems again that would certainly be my first suspect to see if you can try a different one somewhere.
14 Nov 2017

that card was tested with 2 psu's but if that was the case again, what cheapish psu would you guys recommend? based on that card suggested?

I'll get the details of current psu for you in a second

18 Aug 2009
I had the exact same thing 2 weeks ago with a 980ti.
If i slowly increased the load on it then it would downclock itself sufficiently to keep itself stable (but with massively reduced speed), but if I just started a game or stress test then it'd fail in a few seconds.

Sent it back under warranty. Instantly deemed as faulty and given refund.

While it could be a power issue, it's impossible to diagnose from the info you have.
11 Jun 2013

that card was tested with 2 psu's but if that was the case again, what cheapish psu would you guys recommend? based on that card suggested?

I'd never recommend a cheap power supply. They may be lacking protection circuitry that more expensive power supplies are much more likely to have; they may be using cheaper components such as Chinese rather than Japanese capacitors aor they are poorly constructed, and as such they are more likely to fail or may not be able to provide good stable power. If a power supply would fail there's the chance of it sending a surge to the rest of the system, causing expensive damage ... so cheaping out on it, you don't really want to do that.

So I can't in good conscience recommend something cheap. You need that budget for that new GPU though, so unless you're budgeting extra there's really no way to get a different PSU that's at least decent.
14 Nov 2017
I had the exact same thing 2 weeks ago with a 980ti.
If i slowly increased the load on it then it would downclock itself sufficiently to keep itself stable (but with massively reduced speed), but if I just started a game or stress test then it'd fail in a few seconds.

Sent it back under warranty. Instantly deemed as faulty and given refund.

While it could be a power issue, it's impossible to diagnose from the info you have.
well this was second hand lol so could have been the case.

for info wise psu states "cit model 750ub"
14 Nov 2017
I'd never recommend a cheap power supply. They may be lacking protection circuitry that more expensive power supplies are much more likely to have; they may be using cheaper components such as Chinese rather than Japanese capacitors aor they are poorly constructed, and as such they are more likely to fail or may not be able to provide good stable power. If a power supply would fail there's the chance of it sending a surge to the rest of the system, causing expensive damage ... so cheaping out on it, you don't really want to do that.

So I can't in good conscience recommend something cheap. You need that budget for that new GPU though, so unless you're budgeting extra there's really no way to get a different PSU that's at least decent.

yes I do understand where your coming from.

I'll rephase it :) is there a cheap psu that ocuk do that would be sufficient enough?

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19 Dec 2010
Usually restarts like that would be because of a problem with power delivery, with your power supply not being able to supply enough stable current to keep up with the demands of the system. You've not specified what power supply it is, but if you experience these problems again that would certainly be my first suspect to see if you can try a different one somewhere.

Would you think that's the problem here? I mean the 970 barely uses any power.
19 Dec 2010
hi thanks for the quick responce. would that work ok in my current setup?

the seller kept suggesting it was my setup as to why it kept cutting out.


I think it will work ok, the 1060 uses even less power than the 970. Your PSU isn't the greatest, but I would suggest you try it out before buying new one.
1 Jul 2016
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