Graphics cards for Mini-ITX?

Ok cool thanks for that! I'll have a separate external optical drive so external equipment won't matter too much!

But the rad box will be about the same size as the case. Those perspex cases are really only any good for atom or brazos builds that are uber low power and heat.

As others have said get the SG05.
Ok, I'll do some research into the SG05. Thanks for all the advice so far. Money isn't an issue here but space is, that's why I want a nice Micro sized PC.

It's also for the novelty factor too of having a PC with desktop computing power but at such a small size.
If you really want an ISK100 i'd recommend a T series i3 or i5 (so 65W or less) and get one with HD3000 graphics so you get half decent graphics performance.

But if you want a discrete card, the SG05/06 is about the only way to do it "proper" justice.
well I bought one of those perspex cases


I was going to add a gpu on a riser rail, but it never really worked so I bought a SG06


but I didnt like the build quality and have just put it into a wesena 7 and I am happy at last !
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If you can stand to go a bit bigger, you can take a look at the Lian-Li PC Q25 which can take a 320mm dual PCI slot card and 7 or 8 hard drives.

The other popular unit, and I am doing a build on this during the coming week, is the Lian Li PC Q08B. Big front fan for cooling, fair amount of space inside for drives, takes a standard PSU, looks great (of course subjective ;)).

I would be wary of an i7 in anything less than test two or the already mentioned Silverstone case.

Thanks for the advice and tips so far guys. Very much appreciated.

PS: I was thinking the same thing on the 'thermal image' effect of that posters image!

It appears as though I will need to sacrifice size if I want power so I have scrapped the ISK100 and Perspex case ideas.

I'm going with the Lian-Li Q09 (SG05 seems hard to source atm) I reckon.

My cart looks somewhat like this atm but is subject to change!!


I know I need a Keyboard and Operating System but I may be getting them elsewhere. Optical drive, Bluetooth adapter and TV card perhaps also :)
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it makes a tv card a pain to fit, so thats why I went for the wesena.

The thermal image above is a hybrid taken to show what the case cooling is like, aside from a few hot spots, its pretty good at 4.5ghz

Nice one! This case sure does look pretty tasty and of good build quality. Ticks the boxes in terms of cooling / air flow and expansion capability.

Is this what you have? ^^
Yep, SG05 is as small as your gonna go and still fit most big GPUs. If your not sure about that go for the SG07 / 08 which are the same idea, just a little longer ;)
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