Great First day back at work...

all i want to do really is contact him, asking about any damage to fog lights and if it has all the clips. I also kinda want to ask the guy that just brought one of the bumpers, what sort of chap this guy is, and if there was any damage to the bumper he brought.
If it helps at all, here are a couple of photos of other Fiesta ST bumpers the chap has sold, for which the buyers didn't leave feedback:



when was the white one sold? This looks like another seller?

Is there anyway you could proove its your bumper? like any mark or scuff on it you could say about off the top of your head and a photo of it for example?

If so I'd contact the police, and explain and show them a picture of said mark of bumper on your car then go and view the bumper and match it up.

Yeh theres a graze from parking into a post and hitting some bushes down a single track lane.

Same as most bumpers really :(
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I agree, from a read through this sounds very tricky. I had a similar situation with a stolen phone appearing on ebay.

Possibly using the excuse that you are either looking to respray the front bumper when you get your bonnet done or maybe that you are about sell the car and somebody has reversed into your car and damaged the bumper, so replacing it is your only option, but you have to see the scuffs on it to see whether it will affect resell? I'm sure people can think up alternative excuses?

yeh i made a cover story saying i crashed in the snow, and need a new front bumper etc had someone else email him.

I used "mangobreeders" (my brother in law) account to email the guy who just brought a bumper from him and his reply:

Hi there,
bumper was complete nothing missing! It had one small scratch which polished out. We were really pleased with it. We wanted to collect the bumper, but he said that he was visiting a relative in the area so delivered it. We didnt pay him for delivery though ! He was a bit difficult to get hold of on the phone and to be honest not the brightest bulb in the box, but the bumper was fine, so cant complain.
Good luck with it!

hmmmmm interesting. wouldn't let them meet at his place, and not the brightest of blokes...
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i wont be taking the law into my own hands, in fact i think im just going to ignore ebay for a few weeks until i get all this sorted and im not "bothered" any more.

its not worth getting in trouble or getting more stressed out over it. There is almost nothing i can do.
Why not just buy this bumper? Let him deliver it, have some backup present when he does and inspect it (Obviously keep your car out of sight). If its yours, keep bumper and tell him to **** off. If it is not, hand over the cash and you've fixed the bulk of the issue for less than your excess.

problem then is im fueling the demand for stolen parts?

Maybe worth contacting this person selling a primed Fiesta ST front bumper. They also live in Essex and claim their original bumper was stolen but they got it back.

thats what im thinking about buying, if the red one i have my eyes on is too badly damaged (on a written off car).
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quick update.

Full body kit in the right colour bought for £700, from a scrappy. Dont need the rear bumper or skirts, so will sell on. Boot lid and spoiler also bought, for £75, not sure if i should put the whole boot lid on, or just unbolt the spoiler from it and put it on mine.

Jenting7 has also started selling spoilers that "need to be glued on" (due to bolts being ripped out), so i passed the info onto the police not because it was my bumper/spoiler but because they are certainly stolen parts.
Surely there are some bolts?

nope, 3 clips onto each wing thats it. Got bolts now, and to get it off now, you would need to open the bonnet, remove headlights and undo some clips before the bolts come off. I may modify it further so its bolted on behind the numberplate to the crash structure. Looking at some ideas with my mate. I may buy a really damaged one for £60 to try some ideas out first. Then i might offer to "fix" other peoples cars too, so it wont happen to them.
Tonight, i believe i was targeted again, I had started walking to work due to what had happend, but tonight, i decided to drive as i wanted to go for a long drive after work because i havnt done one for a long while, and i do like doing a random 2-3hour drive in the middle of the night.

Full story goes:

I moved my car to the front of the store at 9pm, right where i was working so i could keep an eye on it. While i was finishing up some jobs, i notice a half cast guy, walk up to the car, stop, get on his phone, walk around the car, then walk off, into the store i think. 10minutes later he came back from the other direction, phoned up someone again, and this time a van parked 2 spaces from it, and he got in the van. (LS07 WXH).

Thinking to hell with this, i walked out, got in my car, and drove off, out of the store, onto the main road, but back into the burger king right next to our store. 5minutes later a mate left so i asked him to check the car over. He phoned me and told me the van (same van) was parked up opposite it over there now. So i run out the staff exit, gave the guys evils and sped off back to the front of the store. At this point my mate had come back, so i phoned the police and told em everything, the number plate is now on there system so will get stopped and searched. My mate waited outside while i finished off my final jobs in work (20minutes). Great mate.

Sigh :( :( :(
All this hassle over a Fiesta. You've got some proper boneheads operating in your area.

7 cars done in the last 2 weeks. Ive personally seen 4 of them (mine + 3)

Phate, Tesco still.... sigh :/

its not uncommon for them to come back for seconds once they've waited for you to get it sorted.

Really does seem as though thats them.

Really feel for you mate.

One part of me thinks the only way to get this over with is to leave the car outside as honey pot, once you've got some good quality cameras pointing directly at it and some on the surrounding area.

yeh honey pot or not, i aint going through all that pain again of fixing it, and as Janesy said for a Fiesta for christ sake. During the day i park it at the garage, right under a camera + ANPR camera so its recorded all day long, however at 10pm the garage shuts, ANPR goes off, and the lights go off so the camera is useless, hence i moved it right infront of the store... Yet they still didnt seem that botherd. What a joke. Security couldnt give a **** either... Waste of space.
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