Great solution for people walking across your lawn

Would be easier to put up a picket fence.

Those are mostly children walking home from school. He looks like he lives in a nice neighbourhood as well. This is just a passive aggressive solution to get back at people rather than actually stopping people. Come the summer you will get people purposely dancing on his lawn to get some water to cool down. In the winter one might argue someone might slip from the ice he cause and get a lawsuit. This is America after all.
If you are going to be that protective over your property like others have said put up a wall. The reality is that it is human nature to take the shortest route possible.
The news isn't about politics or current affairs any longer. It's all just what's popular in the media and on television.

The news sites want clicks. That's all they care about. What's happening on I'm a Celebrity or Gogglebox is made more important than other events...

It seems to me that the BBC site carries more celebrity stories than it did in the past. I'm assuming they do that based on user behaviour.

News sites are learning from Facebook that few people want a weighty analysis or serious news stories: what gets clicks is a 15 second video of a celebrity tripping over a dog.
Might not be allowed to

agree it might be a condition of owning the property. Then again, I’m still not sure a sprinkler is a good move. I think it will attract people to see it and play. A bit like painting words to fast jets on your roof to make them go away. In fact you make the place more identifiable and unique which attracts rather than detracts attention
TBF lawn care is a mission to keep it nice and having people walk that line everyday would ruin his lawn. I mean, it would make sense to put up a fence, but the lawn looks in a weird spot from the images, so not sure it's even possible to put a fence up?
Indeed. A friend of mine who lives just outside of Vegas went away on deployment and upon returning home found that the neighbourhood association were trying to fine him due to his lawn being slightly overgrown and unkempt.

HOA's are absolutely mental and seems backwards that in the "Land of the free" that anyone has the right to tell you what to do on your own land
I noticed when I went over there Americans seem less anxious about putting up fences than we do here.

I was staying in a residential district and noticed in the backyards nobody had a fence.
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