Greatest FPS and why?

21 Feb 2010
Aberdare, Wales
For me, always been a PC gamer 1st and then console gamer after but for me, the greatest FPS has to be GOLDENEYE.

The 1st FPS on console that felt right, the gfx, the fact that it followed the movie as close as humanly possible, the game was and is a masterpiece.

Half Life on PC was released the exact same time as 007 but FPS heaven was expected on PC, FPS heaven wasnt expected on N64.

Thats why for me, the greatest FPS ever HAS to be Goldeneye.

The gfx, the levels, the music, you were 007.
No other game delivers that experience.

I challenge anybody to play me a bad moment from 007 on N64??

Even to this day, the music that fits onto a cartridge is amazing, i really do struggle to find a flaw in 007 on N64

Its not about gfx, or just music or any one thing in particular, its all about the experience. Gaming is meant to be an experience, something to enjoy, not endure.

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Posting a console game as the ultimate FPS on the PC Games board? You're brave. :p Goldeneye was a great game for it's time though, I agree.

I personally believe the greatest FPS was Half Life. Great gameplay, an excellent story, and it is one of, if not the biggest selling FPS of all time (not sure if HL2 surpassed it in sales or not). The way things are going, we may never see another FPS that surpasses it in terms of overall quality, as most FPS games today seem to be challenge-less, achievement grinding snorefests with cutscenes every 5 minutes.
Personally my greatest FPS was Halo 2. I had more fun in that game online than any other game since. It was back when Xbox Live was new and was me and my friends first foray into online gaming. Great nights. The greatest nights, even.
Posting a console game as the ultimate FPS on the PC Games board? You're brave. :p Goldeneye was a great game for it's time though, I agree.

I personally believe the greatest FPS was Half Life.

The fact that my 2 most fave games of all time (not just FPS) happen to be Goldeneye and Half Life cant be a coincidence.

Both released at the same time, if anything, Half Life just edges it but for a benchmark for an era, Goldeneye has to be the winner.

The irony of Goldeneye still breathing online because of the PC, not the console version. Irony indeed.
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I am starting to think TF2 might be the greatest. None of this unlocking better weapons crap and the classes are so well balanced imo. Also a great variety in gameplay between classes that you don't really find in many other shooters. I would find it hard to choose between TF2 nd BF2.

My favourite all time fps is also a console game actually and that is Timesplitters:D I loved that game, but probably only because it was one of the first games i ever played mutiplayer on.

In terms of single player i would vote for Half-life 2 with a special mention for Crysis.
Posting a console game as the ultimate FPS on the PC Games board? You're brave. :p

Not brave , just honest.

I'm not saying that this wins here, or that wins there for no reason.

Half Life will always be the greatest game ( not just FPS ) i have ever played and thats a fact.
Still doesnt mean that as an experience, Goldeneye wins.

Half Life was kind of expected..

Goldeneye was a shock to the system.
It used to be CoD4 for me. When I played it in 2007(?) I loved the NPC help and stuff. Then after I ran out of games I decided to give Half Life (1 and 2) a try again (the wasteland parts made me nauseous first time) and it beat CoD4 off the spot :)
Half Life on PC was released the exact same time as 007 but FPS heaven was expected on PC, FPS heaven wasnt expected on N64.

I though 007 was released in 1997, and half life in 98, or am i wrong ?

Have to agree with the majority here, half life was a great gaming experience on your first playthrough, you cant relive moments like that.

Half life just wins it for me, special mention to goldeneye, it was worth buying a N64 just for that game
Also when you consider that Half-life spawned CS, TFC, DoD, HL: DM and Firearms then no other game can even come close. What other games came as a result of Goldeneye??

If you're going to follow that logic, then you need to consider what spawned HL surely.

HL is the best in terms of fun, but taking account of time in history then Doom II for me.
Half-Life was the first major use of scripted events, and changed how story telling is done in games.

Quake 3 had the best multiplayer.

Also when you consider that Half-life spawned CS, TFC, DoD, HL: DM and Firearms then no other game can even come close. What other games came as a result of Goldeneye??

Goldeneye's success almost certainly lead to Rare working on Perfect Dark, which I think is an even better game. Bit of a silly argument to say that a game is better because it's got an engine that's accessible to modding though. Half-Life didn't lead to those games, GoldSrc did. :)

Also, Team Fortress was a Quake mod, Valve just bought out the team behind it and made them port it to GoldSrc. :o Interesting fact... afaik the original Quake TF mod was the first game to have headshots. :o
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Never found one that is best for both offline and online.

Offline: Half Life 2
Online: Quake 3

BioShock, Deus Ex, Goldeneye, Half Life 1 and Doom 2 are notable offline mentions. For Online notables I'd say Quake 2, Battlefield 2, Team Fortress 2 and CS: Source.
GoldenEye only really stands out for me on Multiplayer, single player was a bit naff, Farcry wins my vote.


Multiplayer was only good if you didn't have Doom 2 over LAN...

FarCry was amazing though and is the game I revisit every year.

However. Half Life wins ;)

Goldeneye is up there though, great great game.

*edit Counterstrike wins the online argument
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