Greedy Public Servants...

I have 7 staff working for me with wages between 16-21k, wouldnt call that a lot of money tbh.

They would get £392 @ 2.45% total joke.

This forum is full of the most anti public sector workers I have ever met, so because we work in the public sector we shouldnt receive a decent pay rise or receive a decent pension?

This place is full of tory nazis that is whats wrong.

I take it you are an SO/HO with a bunch of AO's then?
This forum is full of the most anti public sector workers I have ever met, so because we work in the public sector we shouldnt receive a decent pay rise or receive a decent pension?

This forum is full of the likes of me who are thoroughly fed up of seeing our taxes go up to fund public sector pensions, to the detriment of the services we receive.

Since Labour came into power and Gordon Brown shafted the pensions in this country, the trade unionised public sector workers have wielded an unbalanced amount of power in ensuring that their pensions are absolutely protected and the fact that I can't do the same is just tough?!

Not withstanding that its the likes of me thats seeing my council tax go through the roof and the service I get in return get worse and worse. When we asked the council to tell us where our money was going they produced a leaflet that showed larger and larger percentages of our tax going into council pension plans!

So basically they are robbing Peter (me) to pay Paul (you).

When thats no longer the case you'll get more sympathy from me and the likes of me.

Sadly the statistics (at least for central government) don't support your rant, there are fewer Civil Servants now than there were under the last Tory government.

Civil servants 1996 FTE: 494,000
Civil servants 2008 FTE: 490,000

But a lot of jobs have been outsourced since 1996, so the number of civil servants should be a fair bit lower really.

Take highways for example, most councils outsource the work to private consultants as they tend to try a bit harder to stick to budget. (Still tends to be over though as the council usually change their mind right at the last minute.)
And Public Sector workers don't pay council tax and have to put up with crap services?

Public sector workers are the ones giving the crap service! At least they are in a position to do something about it!

From google:

More than a quarter of the money raised from council tax goes to fund the "gold-plated" pensions enjoyed by public sector workers, the Sunday Telegraph has learnt.

Startling new figures - provided by a Government advisers on pensions - show that about £5 billion a year from council tax in England is used to fund the retirements of town hall staff, police, teachers and firefighters.

I prusume that the Police and Firefighters take a lot of it because they retire at 50-55? Council workers go at 65+

Not sure where else the money for pensions should come from we pay 6-7% if from salary ourselfs.
Public sector workers are the ones giving the crap service!

I disagree.

*Some* public sector workers are giving a crap service.

Many services are now outsourced to save money, these are workers who do not fall under Unison or get the same benefits as those who are employed directly by the local councils. They are the ones giving a crap service in an attempt, by the local councils, to save money and the private companies who do employ them and run the contracts are the ones who are providing the crap service.

So in an attempt by local councils to make the money they have available stretch further they are having to employ contractors at the lowest cost possible (because if people had to pay a bit more to get a decent service then there'd be outrage) which results in crap service.

The actual people providing the service are not the ones who are being targetted for being crap.
Moley enlighten us with some examples of the crap service you have experienced please.

My main complaint is this:

Reading Borough Council failed to get me and the wife on the Electoral Register when we moved here (and asked to be put on) but still managed to clobber us for council tax. Oh and tried to get us to pay tax that the previous tenants of this flat owed them.

Didn't get to vote in the last local elections cause of their mess-ups, have just last week had it confirmed that we are on the register at last!

As a result, my credit has for 6 months been crapola - ever tried getting credit when you're not even on the electoral register? Couldn't even get a phone contract for crying out loud.

Before you say it - yes I did go down to the offices to "discuss" with them. I suppose being fobbed off in person rather than on the phone was better...

This is more than enough to get me worked up, I'll stop now. :mad:
To give you an idea of how stretched we are, the government decided to give everyone who was 60 a free bus pass it used to be 65+, this will cost my Council 2 million pounds, central government will give us £800,000 towards it, so insted of giving bus passes to 20,000 people we have had to give them to 40,000 meaning extra staff have had to be employed to handle all the applications.

Now the bus pass can be used over the whole of the UK and the home city will always pick up the tab. As you can imagine the bus companys are rubbing their hands together.
Well the electoral register is a very important document so I can understand your frustration but thats one department out of hundreds, at least their revenues department was efficient :)
INflation is not based on food, petrol or energy costs but I would have thought the real inflation level may be in thr region of 10% or more so 2.45% is a piddle take.

The nurses (and yes that service has seriously deterited over the years so the same can apply as the coucil workers) were offered 2/3 % a few weeks back and recently agreed to it now they have booted that out saying they were robbed.

The last council rate of inflation rise was 6% that is 2% each year do you really think inflation has been 2% over the last 3 years......I don't.

I think people just see the bins and maybe grounds maintenance and presume thats all the coucil do.

street lighting
social care
social housing
schools + their maintenance
legal advice
bills and benefits

yes some appear to provide a poor service and some don't.

A lot of money goes to police and the firebrigade off your coucil tax.
Public sector workers are the ones giving the crap service! At least they are in a position to do something about it!


I will refrain from typing what I really want as I don't want a ban. :p

You sir, are a silly sausage.

You are just ranting your ass off at something you clearly have no understanding of.

Him and I have a difference of opinion then - it's not the only one. I'm sure I'm not the only one either.
Funnily it's one of the few things I do agree with him on. If you understand how inflation works, you'll also understand why pay rises in conjunction with inflation is a bad idea and benefits no one in the long term.

If these workers get the pay rise they seek it will be the end of this government.
IMO its too late for Brown, he will be out next election.

Agree, but if he screws this up and gives in to the unions over the next couple of years then it'll mean Labour in opposition for another 20 years. I just hope that the private sector follows the public sector with pay restraint (apart from my employer ;) )
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