Greedy Public Servants...

I'd like some of the anti public sector ranters on this forum to spend a year working in a public sector job. Let them experience the pressures, beaurocracy, increasing workloads, crap pay etc.
Might open their eyes a bit
Yes they take lower pay then the private sector. This is off set for job security and better pensions. Yes you are contributing more to your final salary pension, but at least you have one!

Private sector is expected to spend significantly more to have the same pension in the end so it all works out over all.

Pressure and bureaucracy is all down to brown, who has had let it be known he does not want pay rises above 2%.
I'd like some of the anti public sector ranters on this forum to spend a year working in a public sector job. Let them experience the pressures, beaurocracy, increasing workloads, crap pay etc.
Might open their eyes a bit

My wife spent several years in the public sector. Long enough to realise that if you work really hard and do a good job, you get the union negotiated 2% pay rise and get promoted after X number of years. At the same time if you do just enough work to get buy you get the union negotiated 2% pay rise and get promoted after X number of years.

She was also working there long enough to realise that efficiency isn't really a word they understand. That you spend all of your budget because if you don't your department will get less next year (hence lots of roadworks just before April).

In the private sector (at least those still not controlled by the unions) you have to realise that when your company isn't doing so well this can be reflected in your (lack of) pay rise.

I spent six months trying to teach six sigma principles of process improcement in a Local Authority; honestly, it's like a completely different world in there.

There is absolutely no concept of efficiency and people simply don't have the desire to be effective or to save money. The whole concept is set up simply to spend the budget they are given.

Civil servants are just weird.
You guys are right. Us civil servents should work for a pittance, and when we reach 65 we should be shot insead of being a 'drain' on all you hard working private sector people.
We (and a lot of us are low paid) get offered 2.45% which is an insult to the low paid, hard workers in areas such as care and on average the Private Sector get above inflation pay rises.

I support them and support their planned strike action. Anyway, a higher than inflation payrise would benefit me just as muchas the lower paid workers - for my Gold Plated Pension, of course. One doesn't need a decent wage to live on, only a great pension! :rolleyes: :D :p
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