Jon Moss is a god awful referee.
Jon Moss is a god awful referee.
May well be a blessing if City smash their next two making our final two games irrelevant tbh, we're absolutely gassed except Diaz lol
We've obviously changed brands, only reasoning behind itAgree. We look absolutely goosed. The salbutamol is wearing thin.
We've obviously changed brands, only reasoning behind it
Thats the one midfielder you dont want injured
Clearly not ready, he did look a bit **** when he came back to be fairWhatever happened to Elliott, he had that big injury, came back from it , played a few games and not seen him since. Did he get re-injured?
Cant sub Jones on...he is already onJurgen just sub on Jones or something, pointless task this
Ah good, as long as it wasnt another injuryClearly not ready, he did look a bit **** when he came back to be fair
Been on the bench a lotAh good, as long as it wasnt another injury
Moss is an abysmal ref, plays advantage, villa go backwards and he doesnt blow up, moron.
Ah good, as long as it wasnt another injury