Greenlizard0 Weekend Football Thread ** spoilers ** [10 - 11th November 2012]

Man of Honour
2 Jan 2009
I think the whole victim thing is more a case of Liverpool fans taking offence at something - out of context - rather than the person making the comments referencing Hillsborough. That's certainly the impression I get in most cases.

I have absolutely no doubt that the word victim has been used as an insult, referencing Hillsborough in some - perhaps many - cases, but that doesn't mean the word victim can only reference Hillsborough.

There's no question that Liverpool fans do tend to play the 'hard done by' card more than any other fans I've come across, but that isn't to say they all do, we shouldn't generalise.

I do think that once the word victim gets mentioned in any context regarding Liverpool, things get out of hand (as we see on a near weekly basis on here). You can't keep dragging up the past to berate people forever, I wonder when it will end.
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