Colo's injury was a hamstring, he got cramp in that hamstring, if you ever get a bad cramp you know you can't just "run it off", the actual cramp can go, the effects remain, tight, often bruised muscle, he's JUST come back from that injury having him run around on a muscle that caused him to miss what, the last month and a bit, is mental. Any sensible manager would have taken him off.
As for the rather useless argument of who else says what after the game, its funny how peoples opinions change based on what they say. Almost every week people laugh at Shearer's ridiculous opinion on MOTD calling him a complete moron, but the week he agrees with the one point people want to listen to, its gospel and all ex footballers know more than we do.
As for Pardew, having recently shoved a ref and had a 2 match ban... you think if he believed the ref was horrendous that this was the best time for him to have a rant about a crappy ref that ruined the game with a string of terrible decisions?
As for the ref being crap both ways, yeah, the huge number of game changing awful decisions Newcastle were almost completely negated by the what, one incorrect corner and maybe one other foul Sunderland should have got.... yeah. Its actually common for a ref to be awful for one side then seemingly make up for it with a seemingly few poor decisions for the other side to make up for it, though usually far less game changing and far less of them.
If Sunderland fans think the ref was bad for them, lol.