Greenlizard0 Weekend Football Thread ** spoilers ** [24th - 26th August 2012]

If Spurs don't win this game I'm going to eat my hat.

And hopefully whilst looking for my hat I will find my Prada shades that I haven't seen for 3 months.
They never show 3pm kick offs.

Its amazing the yank channels have every game being shown but none being shown on sky. You'd think it is an American sport!

The FA don't allow it in the UK. Other countries get the dedicated Premier League channel with every game in HD.
Think it was originally brought in so people went to watch games in the lower leagues rather than sitting at home watching the premier league.

Still think one day they'll do an NFL gamepass type season ticket thing where you can watch them online, probably not while they're in bed with Sky though as it would kill the value of the TV rights.
Sell nani. I was a believer but I've given up. Time to move on.

Hasn't developed at all since arriving. Never kicked on once Ronaldo left. Get him out, he's wasted enough time, squad space and funds.

Heard rumour he dropped his wage demand he's been pushing for about a year because he wants to stay, basically saying, **** maybe i'm not as good as i think and now we have competition in the wide space in abundance.

Rooney would be better on the wing than him.
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