Looking at this thread and many others across other networks it seems that Grid 2 is all one thing, Hype.
Even on here the competition was not about the best time, lap or driving record, but the best crash. If this is supposed to educate the younder generation into road rage and how best to smah up your car, not to mention the amount of people in actual life you kill, then it is achieving it.
The record says it shows nothing for road skills and good clean driving. The AI even encourages it. I am not saying that racing is not single minded but what skills it does promote are the ones not needed on the road. Do the dirty tricks you do in another game and you wonder why you have been Black flagged.
Even in Formula 1 IRL Michael Schumacher was Black flagged and even his points were taken away for the whole year when he tried to take another driver out of the race. Regulations are there to make racing safe. But also to promote a good clean aproach to the sport. Take Spa, the Belgian GP circuit, You cannot beat the rush of driving through Au Rouge and the feeling of almost floating on air when you reach its peak.
You watch the moves made there on TV and can almost feel the energy and controlled redline racing through those parts of the racing circuit.
Games Like Grid 2 make a mockery out of the real sport of racing. Grid 1 is much the same except the Drift is quite a lesson. You may have great drift points but as you reach and ultimate drift and you touch a fence or the outside of the circuit in some way, your drift points drop to Zero.
It encourages you to keep it clean.
Why don't they put guns on the front of the cars, they could shoot up the opposition. Several hacks already do as much with repulsers and so forth.