Grid 2

I don't know about you but I am still playing Grid. I am waiting for a decent steering wheel to get into the drift side of the game because I do better with the Wheel than the controller. I restarted Grid on my PC a few weeks ago and have managed most of the stages without doing too much drift because I do better with the wheel. I got bored with Grid 2 from the get go.
I don't know about you but I am still playing Grid. I am waiting for a decent steering wheel to get into the drift side of the game because I do better with the Wheel than the controller. I restarted Grid on my PC a few weeks ago and have managed most of the stages without doing too much drift because I do better with the wheel. I got bored with Grid 2 from the get go.

enable your trust and I can send links for the 8ball dlc for Grid 1. It came out on the mac and console only but someone used the mac content to produce content for pc, it's pretty decent.
If this link doesn't get deleted I'll leave this here:
enable your trust and I can send links for the 8ball dlc for Grid 1. It came out on the mac and console only but someone used the mac content to produce content for pc, it's pretty decent.
If this link doesn't get deleted I'll leave this here:

Thanks for the info but as I don't go online to play games anymore the content is pretty useless if you cannot use it in Career mode. As far as I can see according to my Grid 1 I don't have any achievements yet I have done the basics and never once seen an achievement pop-up like I used to get on the Xbox360. All you needed on that was a basic silver membership to get most of the achievements apart from online gaming which was for certain races and amount of races and miles online.
I know that when the game first came out many were actually doing the Lemans 24 hours in real time and in car. One of the achievements had to be achieved in car and a majority did it in pro mode with no assists and at Le Mans. The easiest achievement was the Just like Bond one rolling the car 7 times was easily done in San Francisco. All these have become null and void now but it is still ten times better than Grid 2.
I suppose the simple reason for this is that it is raw racing that works in whichever way you like it inside car outside car doing a replay and so on. It was the first of its kind and still remains so. Grid 2 is like so many cinema releases of today, novel for 5 minutes but boring for the rest. Too much PR and very little game substance.
Looking at this thread and many others across other networks it seems that Grid 2 is all one thing, Hype.
Even on here the competition was not about the best time, lap or driving record, but the best crash. If this is supposed to educate the younder generation into road rage and how best to smah up your car, not to mention the amount of people in actual life you kill, then it is achieving it.
The record says it shows nothing for road skills and good clean driving. The AI even encourages it. I am not saying that racing is not single minded but what skills it does promote are the ones not needed on the road. Do the dirty tricks you do in another game and you wonder why you have been Black flagged.
Even in Formula 1 IRL Michael Schumacher was Black flagged and even his points were taken away for the whole year when he tried to take another driver out of the race. Regulations are there to make racing safe. But also to promote a good clean aproach to the sport. Take Spa, the Belgian GP circuit, You cannot beat the rush of driving through Au Rouge and the feeling of almost floating on air when you reach its peak.
You watch the moves made there on TV and can almost feel the energy and controlled redline racing through those parts of the racing circuit.

Games Like Grid 2 make a mockery out of the real sport of racing. Grid 1 is much the same except the Drift is quite a lesson. You may have great drift points but as you reach and ultimate drift and you touch a fence or the outside of the circuit in some way, your drift points drop to Zero.
It encourages you to keep it clean.
Why don't they put guns on the front of the cars, they could shoot up the opposition. Several hacks already do as much with repulsers and so forth.
grid 2 is fast n the furious 6 for arcade racers. understand that and youll be okay.

don't come into thinking its richard burns rally handling or realistic its not.

its just a grab your xbox pad and race and have a bit of fun in between.
But the Game boasts realism. If it is going to boast something then at least live up to it, if not get out of the marketplace. They say games have come a long way since the mindless shoot 'em up but in reality they have just graphically developed.
More ways in blowing people up and more blood and more gore. Forza 2 used to be good and so did PGR3 & 4.
Just fired this up for the first time in a while. Nice to see Codemasters are using the usual in your face DLC for this game like Dirt.

Managed 10 mins before I could not take any more. I know it's an arcade racer but my god the handling really does me in. Codemasters should be shot for the lack of effort put into this game. All the excuses for no incar view to make a better game yeah right.
You have got it in one. The best buy is the original GRID. Now has updated version for High Def, 1.3 patch. It has a regular path to it and although predictable it has its in car action as well as outside views. And you cannot beat the Le Mans simulation. It has some good drift action and all the modes are available from the word go. The Achievements may be turned off but building that bank balance and Hiring and firing co-drivers is good fun.
All grid 2 offers is Hype product placement and more hype. like I said earlier in another post all seems to be concentrated on how bad you can have a smash up. When you are winning you are winning for yourself and not as in Grid, the team.
Get Shift 2 Unleashed, put all the driver assists on and you have yourself an arcade racer that is a trillion times better than the crud codemasters are shoveling out.

Goes to show what hype can do! It amazes me how well Grid 2 did, IMO its utter rubbish, a 3 year old could make a better arcade racer. Hell, you may as well play Mario Kart cos even that is better.
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