GRID Autosport

vpn working fine here, just coming to the end of my second season

god I hate team ravenwest
So this is actually good then with the HD pack? It's £16.99 on simplycdkeys for the Black Edition... Seems a bargain?
That decision escalated quickly.

Ordered, downloading... but at a lowly 4MB/s.

Time to watch 24 while it downloads I guess :D
Wow this feels a lot smoother than Grid 2. Thought sli was running but turned out not to be, was still getting 80fps with everything maxed. Got sli going now so it is rarely dropping beneath 120 fps..feels really nice. Time to get the g27 out
Currently at 2560x1080 and the default Ultra mode doesn't turn on ambient occlusion and a couple of other lighting settings so flicked those on and noted by default it set 4xFSAA on. With vsync enabled the benchmark gave:


So exactly the same performance as Grid 2 then but HD textures. Nice!
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