GRID Autosport

Anyone playng this with a 7870 GPU ?? Hows my card going to cope with this ?
I guess it will be ok on medium settings

Rest of you system?

If the rest of your system is decent, You should be able to push higher.

When I was using a 6850 1gb with my 3770k I was able to push high/ultra on bf3 (Ok it was a cpu intensive game)
Are most of you using a wheel to play this? I like the look of it but dont have a wheel, could i use a xbox one controller?

I'm using a 360 controller and it's great. Obviously a wheel is better, but a controller is miles better than a keyboard.
360 controller here and its fine

did anyone else get a free copy of dirt showdown when they VPNd on steam?
Are most of you using a wheel to play this? I like the look of it but dont have a wheel, could i use a xbox one controller?

I'm using a 360 controller, just done some touring car races so far and they have done a good job. Usually I find I am having to keep correcting my line when using a controller with racing games but this just seems to work and feels pretty good.

How do we hook up on the online aspect (teamspeak etc?) - that said I am seriously bad ;)
is there any cheap wheels about? (which are actually any good)

best cheapish wheel of any muster would be the Logitech Driving Force GT, DFGT to it's friends, decent FF and not bad construction albeit plastic, no clutch or flappy paddles (just buttons where the paddles should be).
Had a few decent races but had the odd stutter then the game froze and got a window message asking if i want to change the colour scheme to help performance :confused: im running the game on ultra with 60+ fps so bit strange.
Very impressed, looks very nice and runs silky smooth. Downloading the HD Pack now so hopefully it will then look even better and im hoping it wont hit the FPS to much. Running a pair of quad Xeon2.8ghz with 10gb ram and a GTX770 4gb, without the HD pack im averaging 60fps with occasional dips to 45.
Had a few decent races but had the odd stutter then the game froze and got a window message asking if i want to change the colour scheme to help performance :confused: im running the game on ultra with 60+ fps so bit strange.

I had the change colour scheme message when I closed the game but it ran brilliantly for me (average 85fps) on ultra (7950 + 4670k)
Has anyone else found that any custom joypad configurations are lost when you exit and re-enter the game? I always set B to gear up and A to gear down, but they seem to revert back to default when I exit. :(
I use a 360 pad, it saves the buttons when i change them, i alter camera and put flashback on a different one so i dont press it by mistake.

Im using GTX 670 sli at 2560x1440 with the HD texture pack, i have to knock shadows down a notch and another setting so i get constant 60fps with no drops. I was getting a few dips online and on some tracks.

The game is great, very nice looking as well.
That's the FREE HD texture pack, you can stop this downloading by right clicking the game in your steam library, clicking view DLC and unchecking the HD texture pack.
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