GRID Autosport

Started the touring car career, but is it me being carp or is the AI damn hard, they smack into all the time, I know its touring cars, but ALL the time, and on straights just go flying past.

Tried to pit maneuver a few cars and it aint happening, but its fine for them to do it to you?

Other that that, more fun the GRID2, loved bobbing about in the Mini's.
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Played it today on a 4K screen and looks amazing on full Ultra setting, installed the HD pack but didn't really notice the difference TBH

Loving the game too
So i've reenabled the HD pack and its not downloading -_-

HELP!!!! Also the gameplay is much improved over Grid 2, nice that they bought back the GRID 1 drifting, though its a little overly assisted imo.
So i've reenabled the HD pack and its not downloading -_-

HELP!!!! Also the gameplay is much improved over Grid 2, nice that they bought back the GRID 1 drifting, though its a little overly assisted imo.

Have you restarted Steam? You may need to do a verify of files if it was half downloaded.
So i've reenabled the HD pack and its not downloading -_-

HELP!!!! Also the gameplay is much improved over Grid 2, nice that they bought back the GRID 1 drifting, though its a little overly assisted imo.

Might take a whilke to download its 4.3gb .. took about 5 mins on my 160mb Broadband lol
Nope, I actually really like it. The sound of the gears shifting down, the vibration and the camera shake makes it feel like the car is really working.

Also second screen mode is one of the coolest features I've seen in a while:

I highly recommend downsampling this game as the visuals get far better without the aliasing you get at stock resolutions. The performance hit is also not that big due to the high amount of optimisation done over the years on the Ego engine.

I caved in bought from above because it is basically half price Black Edition, but the damn game will not launch!

I caved in bought from above because it is basically half price Black Edition, but the damn game will not launch!

Sorry to hear of your woes chap :(,and yes simplycdkeys is where I bought it from.
Hope you get sorted soon,only played a little,and it's great fun so far.
Can you explain what you mean by downsampling? I can't work out how to apply AA etc and have frames to spare :p

Downsampling gives you a much sharper image as you render the game at a much higher resolution. It is similar to SuperSampling AA. I do it by creating a custom resolution in the NVidia control panel that's higher than the monitors native resolution e.g. 3600 x 2000 on a 1080P screen and use this resolution in the game. Read a good guide for the basics here that has some image examples

The result reminds me of the Imax shot scene's in the recent Batman movies that looked much sharper :)
I tried downsampling on this game, but got black borders on either side of the screen. Since its my first attempt, could anyone tell me how to get rid of em?Tried other games and they are full screen.
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