Yeah it's all very strange, neither possibilities make sense. If the neighbours are making it up, both mother and son are in on it, and have gone to great lengths to do this.
I really hope the coop CCTV comes through. Regardless of anything, it would have at the very least caught the car in question. If it doesn't, I know my neighbours are lying.
Thing is, if they have made it up, that in itself is risky. They didn't know I wasn't looking out the window at the time, and actually it was them who told me about the CCTV at the coop.
Nothing adds up.
It really doesn't strike me as a lie, but I know my car and unless he floated over it, there's no way there wouldn't be any damage.
I've seen a TT where the wind has blown the door into a window sill causing £2000 worth of damage as the door literally bent in half. They are very weak cars.