Growing Chillies

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Just keep them warm (a heated room) and near a window and you'll be fine.

Outside even in summer can be too cold for them (I got virtually no fruit off mine that was outside, only when I brought the biggest plant indoors in Octorber did it start throwing chillies out - still is.
Interesting, going to buy some seeds to grown some chillis. Saves me keep buying the chillis and will be a bit of fun.
I bought two plants that were full grown (about 40cm) and had fruit + flowers on them, they both made a few harvests through the summer / autumn (kept inside). Each plant was £6 and I got about 120 chillies off them in all.

Cheaper than buying them from a supermarket :)
damn ocuk for starting threads like this ! now i want to grow some.. :( :p

hmm, where to start.. can you grow them in those little plastic housings that keep the warmth in?
electric propergator?

best to start them off in one of these then move them into a greenhouse or somewhere thats warm with plenty of light.
electric propergator?

best to start them off in one of these then move them into a greenhouse or somewhere thats warm with plenty of light.

good advice :) cheers!

which species should i start with? i dont fancy a monstrous plant over taking what little garden space i have! preferably just a potted chili. with a fair bit of heat. any suggestions?
Trying to find a good electric propagator.. anyone have any good recommendations?

Would like to get one that will allow a reasonable height for herbs later
lol - I first read the title of this thread as "Glowing Chillies" - Like those ones that Chief Wigum cooks in the Simpson's and Homer eats, making him go a bit insane.
I just bought a small plant, stuck it on my kitchen window sill and watered it now and again...then it grew really nice hot chilli's. Easy :D

Can't remember the type of chilli's now, was a good few years ago. If I did it again I'd probably grow some sort of habanero
Well just planted the Dorset Naga in the propagator which seems to be stable at 26-27degC at the moment.

The centre of my hand, where the chilli seeds sat whilst I sowed actually feels like it's been burnt..
A friend of mine grows chillies. He was chopping one harvest preparing them for a chilli sauce. Afterwards he rinsed and then moisturised his hands be because he has dry skin. Biggest mistake of his life. The chilli oils were absorbed with the moisturiser and he was in absolute agony for 2-3 hours. Don't try this at home kids, and defiantly keep them clear of the KY :eek:
Just got "The Hot Book of Chillies"
And it's very interesting, the chilli wasn't introduced to India before 1492, so what culinary did they have before that then.

It' also has a short piece about the most popular variety probably 100+ and teh shu value on most. But unfortunately most don't contain flavours and none contain plant size.
All compact plants, but does give sizes
Super Chilli f1 - SHU 20,000 - 40,000
Cherry Bomb SHU 2500-5000, high yeild compact plant
filus Blue - not rated for flavour, but good for adding heat to dishes
Firecracker - very hot
Prairrie Fire - plant is only 5.9" high but 30-38cm wide, great for stirfries SHU 1,000-1,500

Also ones that seem would fit pots:
Bulgarian Carrot (plant stays under 23.5" high) - good for salsa and chutneys

Other intresting ones (well ones I htink are intersting)
Choricero - used to flavour chorizo sausages
Chimayo - great for stuffing
Cyklon - Used to make deep red paprika
Datil - super hot 200,000 -300,000
The one I planted is supposedly 900,000 :D

Apparently the hottest is the Harbanero red savina at 350,000-577,000
Although others have been claimed but not varfied
One of which is the
Naga Jolokia rated at 855,000

Also interesting is chillies love to cross pollinate, so any seeds you gather(if you grow several varieties) will almost certainly be cross breeds. Now that sounds interesting and annoying.
Was meaning to grow some last year but never got round to it. My neighbor grows them and is always on about them, time for me to get in on the game. Ordered the following:

Chilli Plant Food 300ml
Chinese Pot Chilli
30 NuMex Sunrise, Sunset, Eclipse Mixed Chilli Seeds
Bhut Jolokia 20 Pods
Redskin Dwarf Bell Pepper
NuMex Twilight

looking forward to growing them...
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