Growing Chillies

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Once repotted, I'd start:
a) only watering in the morning - this means the top of the pot has chance to dry out a little which prevents mold. Watering in the evening means you'll get a lot of humidity and that will encourage mould.

b) water by feel initially - does it feel dry? Is the pot light? then you'll get into a rhythm of watering. If it does feel bone light (oops!) then just stand the pot in water for 10 minutes then let it drain. Bottom up watering is far better.

c) once they've perked up again and settled in for a week, start by leaving an air gap and then move to removing the lid during the day and (whilst they fit) during the night replacing the lid. Finally they should (as long as it's not a cold night) be fine.

edit: I think my nagas took a couple of days to get back but I did take the casing of the Jiffy pellet off which breaks the roots that have penetrated it. It's a little shocking at first!
ive got them stood in the propergator tray and have been putting water in that to soak up. they have perked back up now but a couple of the leaves are still shrivelled.

Sometimes they'll loose leaves so I don't think you need to worry too much about them.
If they drink all the water then the bottom leaves droop first - they look like and feel like old 5 pound notes. Given water they'll get back to normal and feeling like a crisp fiver again.
If the top droops then that shock - cold, too much sun, severe under-watering and often over-watering or over-feeding.

Wait till they're growing again, then slowly introduce them to cooler temps - then you can move them out of the propagator completely. Once out, they will probably require less water as the heat from the prop will not be evaporating the moisture.

Lastly - these are babies, so careful with placing them immediately in full sunlight.. 'ween' them in by 2 hrs, 3 hrs etc.. slowly increasing the light as they grow. You may need to shade them initially if you want to leave them on the window sill.

They haven't grown any more and 5 of them have collapsed. I don't think it's enough light. Put them in the windowsill which gets the mourning sun and 2 of them are back up standing tall. But I only have a windowsill that catch the mourning or afternoon sun.. Wish I went straight to cfl instead of led. Will have to see how much my MOT will cost on friday.

Sounds like the right diagnosis. My plants got to a certain point with the Light Engine (LED) but were spindly 'leggy' and needed sticks to support them. Once they had the MH light *boom* they grew.. careful though if they're bent and left to have bent stems the adult plant will have bent stems too which is a right royal pain in the butt (they tip over the pot and require support).
I came to the conclusion that the technology is too immature at the moment after seeing the results of the MH/HPS.

You could ebay the LEDs once you have your CFL to recoup some of the cost. Minimum you'll want is probably 250W. The 125W will just be another 'stepping stone'. Remember once you have it, you can use it in conjunction with the natural daylight to supplement the amount of light (ie in the morning CFL, then day under daylight, then evening CFL). This reduces the running costs.
You don't need to repot those - they're just getting going!

I would make sure that they grow straight up (rotate the pot 90 deg each morning).

They're looking healthy!

That effect is what they mean by 'leggy'. The plant can't hold it's own weight and if not corrected early the stem will harden at those awkward angles. Once the fruit laiden the weight then tips the plants over..
couple of questions

1/ im doing a proper water once a week, filling the tray their in with about 2cm of water with tomato feed and spraying the leaves twice a day with water/tomato feed mix, is this enough/not enough?

B/how long do they take to start flowering? i think ive had them about a month now.

1. You won't need food in the spray on the leaves. Just keep an eye on them - when they get bigger they may require two waterings a week (although food may be once).

2. I would have through they'll take a bit longer (perhaps a month or so) before you see some activity with buds appearing. It will differs between plants, species and the weather.

Looking good :)
Well as promised, photos today showing my ripening Jalapenos :D


I'd focus on the light levels, possibly try a weak solution (ie 1/8 dose) of tomato/chilli food just in case they're not getting the right nutrients from the soil.
mine must have grown an inch over night, they are shooting up now :)

how tall do they get before they start to flower?

This depends on the variety and the plant environment. You'll see them bud first.

This bit really is up to the individual plants so I can't really say.
This looks like fun. What would u recommend a started that has not so great sun at my windows, only north ones really as i dont want south (my front windows) having stuff on them.

Something for madrass currys would be nice. And a plant that gives a lot for very little attendence.

Well you realise that once you have started you'll be eyeing up those southern windows ;)

For a good taste for indian food - Pusa Jwala. This was what I was advised for Jalfrezi (chilli, onion and tomatoes).
Just cooking a pizza with my first harvested Jalapenos :) Taken photos but need to find the lead to offload them.

Tasting them raw is completely different to store bought. There's a slightly sappy taste initally then the pepper and then my lips burn (even now) however there's not much heat in my mouth itself.
Just give them time and keep them watered & fed as normal and they'll open.

How long they take is up to the species and the environment.
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