Just ordered a triple propagator and watching some led grow lights on ebay.
Nice - I warn you now.. you may not need that many plants if my current experience is to go by!
** Incoming update **
Now I have found the camera battery charger (skillfully hidden), I have a bumper update!
A week on from the last photos and mid week I switched to the High Pressure Sodium (HPS) bulb from the Metal Halide (MH). My thinking on this is that it should slow the rocket propelled growth upwards in favour of helping the flowering and fruiting.. hmm.. boy was I wrong! It didn't help that the couple that were due to pop in and collect one or two plants didn't manage to make the trip but they've rescheduled.. so it's likely they'll have fruiting plants!
As this has been my first experience of (a) HPS, (b) flowering chilli plants and (c) fruiting plants I thought I'd make this one a little more than just a set of photos..
Firstly my Motely lot of now teenage delinquents (no comment about kids at this age!). The HPS gives off a different, warmer, light just like the street lights. It's also seems to be cooler in terms of heat output than the MH light at the same distance. The effect on the plants is very different too. They don't rocket up, although they still grow, but instead they seem to bask in it.
I'll concentrate on the Jalapenos first as they've been very busy and have kept me busy too..
Initially they started with the flower pods:
The observant will notice the oddity with the leaves - this is from the plant getting scorched by the MH as it grew into the minimum space between the bulb and the plant tops! They'll grow into larger leave but will still bare the scars.
Maturing into an unopened flower - this could have 1-2 days before it's open:
Then finally as a fully opened flower, below, where you can clearly make out the stigma (centre white stalk) and stamen (smaller things around in a circle) that produce pollen.
I use a 1/2 wooden peg to fertilise the flowers. I find the grain of the peg holds the pollen well and it's easy to spot the pollen. I collect the pollen by tapping the flowers with the peg underneath and (if the flower is mature enough) the pollen drops out easily.
I take the pollen from one plant and dip the stigma from another plant's flowers into it. The stigma is sticky to pollen so it should hold as much as it needs. Repeat for other flowers and plants. I'm not sure of the pollen from one plant can fertilise it's own flowers but I the pollen from one plant on the others and then use pollen from another plant's flowers to pollenate the first one..
My trusty insect