Growing Chillies

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If that chilli is in it's normal location then you may require more light. My best guess - the plant seems healthy.

How much water?
That flower needs pollination if it hasn't been done already,

Good point! I assumed that previous flowers had been pollenated already. If they've not bee pollenated then they will die off like the yellow ones.

AH2 - awesome stuff. That large one looks healthy. Will probably give a good crop too if it continues like that.
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Ok, at that size over 27degC is going to be too hot. So lowering the temps to mid 20s is the first task as you've started.
Next stop is to look at the nutrients - it may be lacking in a particular nutrient such as calcium which can be be quite an issue.

I mixed a very small (and I mean small) amount of garden lime into the pot mix for the large pots to counter for this. I then started feeding them with very dilute chilli food (Chilli Focus).

So I would try a small bottle of Chilli Focus (Green's Horticulture's service has been great - so just a suggestion) and see if a dilute amount helps. Possibly with a very very very small amount of garden lime.

I also noted that you've got water on the leaves with the light on - this will burn the leaves. It's best to water the plants in the morning and that way they will not build up moisture in the atmosphere overnight.
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Out of sheer curiosity what is all that stuff on the top? What looks like stones!!!!!!!!

I bought 3 peppers from Netto (yeah call me names if you want to LOL). Took the seeds out. Dried them (well I left them on a plate for about 2 days in a warm room). Planted them in compost and now I have full grown plants which are starting to flower.

What I have found with chillis is that the "more you mistreat them the more they grow". So I just water them when I think the compost is too dry.

The stones are to stop the soil from compacting too hard. When that happens the roots suffocate which inturn causes rotting which will kill the plant (or at very least reduce it's growth). Basically you mix in Pearlite and Vermiculite.

They will grow quite happily given a few things. Too much water is a problem but too little and they'll never set fruit.
Not sure with the way your growing as im just using the windowsill. But i have never needed to mist the leaves and they are very healthy and moist looking etc on their own.

Btw anyone else had a nice growth spurt in the last day or two. Mine have grew up a tiny bit and few more leaves on in just a few days.

The problem is if you don't get enough light - I have one window that I can use but the plants are too big for it :/
Once a month I just dump some chicken fertiliser into the pot and that is it.

My old system admin used to use abattoir pigs blood - get a pail over each row of chillis planted out in the garden. :eek:

He thought that it gave the best taste being 100% natural. Which I can believe although the species he grew would fit into the summer season we have here.
The stems have dark lines on them, later these will also have a matt light brown too as the stems start to become woody.
OMG! Cut them almost paper thin and before spreading them on pizza i wanted to gage the heat so tried a piece about 1mm by 3mm. I am so glad i did unbelievably hot, a small amount (small finger nail size) sliced then sparingly applied was far hotter than the 10-15 Jalepenos i would normally apply.

Hehe good aren't they :D

Edit: just realised I still have my Naga oil in the fridge..
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I love HOT SPICEY food, so have started my own Japlanino (SP?) plant this year its about 9" tall now, have also managed to start off a couple of Scothch Bonnett chilli pepper seeds but theyre not doing very well at the mo.... can anyone offer any advice????

In general scotch bonnet requires more light than the Jalapenos but it could be down to a number of reasons. Do you have a photo of the plant?
If the flowers are dropping it could be a range of reasons - water, nutrients, temps, light levels.

The Nagas are starting to show good buds again and I'll be watering them again tomorrow to try more water this time see if they'll set fruit.
Deluxe1 - impressive.

Got my first open Naga flower today. It's tiny and under developed at the moment without pollen so I'll keep an eye on it.
Don't forget each fruit ripens differently - some ripen from the inside out other top to bottom etc.

The stigma has done it's job once the fruit sets.

Basically a cellular tube breaks out of the pollen and quickly works it's way down a set of canals in the stigma. The tube then transfers the male cells from the pollen to the fruit. there's a multitude of these canals hence a good dusting of pollen is best if you want good fertile seeds from it.
Once fertilisation has started the flower sets fruit and the tubes, pollen and stigma are nolonger needed - hence a this stage if the stigma falls off it will have no impact on your ripening!
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I think I finally have maturing flowers producing pollen as I've had something dusty fall from them. The stamen also seems to be opening up for the first time.

The Dorset Naga seems to be a lot more picky about it's watering and feeding schedule than the Jalapeno.
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