The Big Update
Hi again folks its took a few weeks to get back with the 1st update as I have been busy with building some PCs for friends and some Clients but got a lot of pics and a you can now see how the loop will fit inside.
The 1st thing to be done was get the case powder coated grey and get the vinyls made so with the case being number 09 and the theme being based around the car I have used the 09 as part of a racing livery if you like.. I will be adding a few more not on this back panel just a few small ones here and there so here we are with some pics ..
The Titan Black with block
Just a quick tease if the paint color on the front Panel ..
Now Time for getting some stuff installed and plan the loop ...
And this is Dexter my new helper and mascot thanks to MSI
The EK Vadar Fans installed
So to control the fans I am using this power distribution from mod my toys and dust has been removed bane of my life is dust also installed the pump/ res combo with the EK bracket.
With this being a sports car we did not need any extra weight that was not making it run cooler so I removed the HDD cage and put an extra 120mm rad in there
but I will have to swap them black extenders out for black nickel as they will niggle me even If I cannot see them I will know they are there :sigh:
held in with some Parvum cubes until I fabricate a plate for it
Made some new stickers for the Ram
So before I get to cutting and bending the loop this is about where we are at for now
I have decided to get some cables made by the master himself James from Pexon PCs as I have arthritis and the job takes so much time and pain it becomes impossible so I have to stick to fans and pumps and stuff that can be done in half hours for me and I am also putting in a panel around the motherboard and this will be laser etched but more on that when its done as not a lot I can show you it will be black and red.
That is where I leave you again while I get to work on the tube by for now folks