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To be fair, the first GTA on a new engine always tends to be a bit weaker than the ones that follow, due to time spent making the new engine, and then practicing with it etc.

I mean, compare GTA 3 and GTA San Andreas and the difference is pretty huge, so hopefully this should be somewhat close that *crosses fingers*
I have to say I'm quite excited about this :D San Andreas is my favourite map by far, I love the mixture of the city, big stretches of open farm land, dessert and big airports and great roads.
Rockstar released a statement:


So it looks like it's only going to be Los Santos. Not the same as San Andreas three cities, I think that was asking a bit much of the current gen consoles.

Pretty sure it has all 3 cities from sa i saw almost all 3 places in the trailer just not the vegas part per say but their was the drilling machines which was very close to the vegas city (sry i never remember the names of the cities even tho i love the games lol) The 2nd city defo is in because you can tell due to the parts in the trailer of high riser billboard (or somit) and then theirs the construction work which im sure was there in sa and looks like its still under construction in gta5 lol.
Pretty sure it has all 3 cities from sa i saw almost all 3 places in the trailer just not the vegas part per say but their was the drilling machines which was very close to the vegas city

They are oil derricks of which there are many in and around Los Angeles itself.
Nice trailer but I am starting to get bored of using same locations over and over again. Give us something new to explore. Rio, London, Paris, Bangkok etc.

They really should refresh the series with a totally different location.

Agree with this, would be awesome to experience different culture style crime.

But personally i always thought Vice City was the best GTA. But i'm glad they've left it alone for the most part.
Are they saying big as in content wise or literally in map size? (both?)

Rockstar is being deliberately vague i guess.

Can the OP include features we know/think/suggested by the Trailer that may/may not be in the game, for ease of course.
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This is a wild guess but with the wording of that statements and rumors it seems to be pointing to the map will be slightly smaller than SA (with less cities) but far more dense than the SA map was.
I was a huge fan of vice city, i don't think i even bothered actually completing the missions that often but i just drove around admiring Miami and kicked back listening to the sound track.

The general consensus it appears in this thread is that GTA SA is better than GTA IV as i am thinking of picking one of them up and having a blast. Would this be correct? Do you think as a fan of VC i would prefer SA more?

Oh the trailer looks great for GTA V
What I don't get is if they are including planes then surely it can't just be LS, in must have to include SF and LV otherwise one airport would be pointless.
Yes probably. GTA SA is MASSIVE, so much to do and see.

I like GTA IV, loved the visuals, the physics, etc. and it did become a little more fun with expansions like The Ballad of Gay Tony. To be honest, they're both so cheap, just get them both.
I was a huge fan of vice city, i don't think i even bothered actually completing the missions that often but i just drove around admiring Miami and kicked back listening to the sound track.

The general consensus it appears in this thread is that GTA SA is better than GTA IV as i am thinking of picking one of them up and having a blast. Would this be correct? Do you think as a fan of VC i would prefer SA more?

Oh the trailer looks great for GTA V

I like both but they are different. If I had to pick one, I suppose it would be SA...although the graphics obviously aren't as good, it's an immensely fun game.
hopefully this runs well on pc. Im not asking for super mega optimisation. But at least change more than the "PC" logo on the box when porting it this time pl0x.
This looks brilliant. I discovered San Andreas very, very late. Before SA, Vice City was my favourite GTA game and now having played SA, it takes Vice City's crown for me.

SA just had so much to do, and the environment size was perfect. I spent hours just travelling around messing around. I also liked how the story of SA unfolded and connected all the various locations. I would say the gameplay gave me the most fun too.

There's no denying how good Vice City was though. Vice City really changed it all up again after GTA III and the whole 80s theme was spot on.

I really like GTA IV but it just isn't the same as the previous GTA games. The characters aren't as likeable and the story is slow and quite dull. The one thing I will give it over the others is the realism of the whole environment - which is pretty much why I like to play it still for messing around. But, its weakness with that is they put far too much emphasis on that aspect of the game, and take away that and it isn't very special at all. The difference I see so far with comparison with GTA V is the fun factor being brought back - gameplay over graphics.
lol GTA IV was the first and only GTA story I had ever finished for a while, I spent the last week playing San Andreas; finished earlier today and yup definitely takes the crown, what a game, I'm preparing to play Vice City now, might even do GTA 3 lol
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