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HOORAH!! (it'll be a pants port yes, but still its an evolution on a rather good engine)
Better be like gta sa and NOT like gta 4. Screw pretty animations and gfx if it deters from fun gameplay i.e the gta3 - sa game period.

They wont tho since they set the bar with gta4 graphically but i still wished it was like gta sa as in big open world with 3 major cities and vast open spaces and all sorts like the canyons and the mountain etc. Oh and defo should have proper plane support back i loved flying stuff in gta sa.

About PC version, it would be nice if they would as I would be gutted if they didnt do one. As all previous gta games have come on the PC.

Oh and hope they bring back the business and houses and garages from past games. I really miss those.
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Time for that major re-invention Rockstar! This one will be do or die for the series reputation imo.

Also, is anyone else not dreading the fact that this is coming out on the current crop of consoles, which means...yep, same 3-core limitation, potentially shoddy port, design for 3/4 generation old's nearly enough to make me weep just thinking about it.
I personally want a England version. Think we have more than enough gang/mobster stuff in our history.


Awesome little game that was! Everything was so stereotypically British haha

Rockstar really could rescue themselves with GTAV IF it came out on PC, and was optimised and borrowed elements from previous games as already mentioned - houses, businesses, flight movement etc. Unfortunately it won't happen in my eyes - consoles.
I just hope they dont make another console port for us PC gamers,GTA IV was a mess on PC.

Also hope it does not require that Games for Windows live junk,and please rockstar give us SLI/Crossfire support!

It would be nice to return to a modern Vice City,Imo that was the best GTA ever.
Hopefully its better than GTA IV, which was a terrible addition to the GTA franchise and only an 'average game' at best. :mad:
Rockstar will say "it isn't coming out on PC", then 6 months after console release, when they've milked enough money from them, they'll release a shoddy port to the PC that is tightly-wrapped in invasive DRM, crappy social networking sign-ups, and auto-updates that don't work.

That's what I've come to expect from them anyway.
...Also, is anyone else not dreading the fact that this is coming out on the current crop of consoles, which means...yep, same 3-core limitation, potentially shoddy port, design for 3/4 generation old's nearly enough to make me weep just thinking about it.

The date in the OP's link says 11.02.11 for the trailer. Assuming that's in the American format, that means the trailer won't be out until late next year, and the game might not be out until sometime in 2013.

Any chance of the next gen consoles be out by then? If so..they might not be limited by current gen console specs.

Edit: Nevermind...I read the date wrong!
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About time. I'm probably one of the few people who actually loved GTA IV, so am absolutely stocked for GTA V (my girlfriend will probably be even more excited than me when I tell her later :p).

The only annoying thing is that it probably won't come out until well into next year. I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't come out until Q4 (possibly later).
I just hope they dont make another console port for us PC gamers,GTA IV was a mess on PC.

Also hope it does not require that Games for Windows live junk,and please rockstar give us SLI/Crossfire support!

It would be nice to return to a modern Vice City,Imo that was the best GTA ever.

Yeh I loved Vice City with the Jackson stuff on the radio. It also seemed to run great in my machine at the time.

However picked it up in a sale recently and I don't think it has aged well...
The date in the OP's link says 11.02.11 for the trailer. Assuming that's in the American format, that means the trailer won't be out until late next year, and the game might not be out until sometime in 2013.

Any chance of the next gen consoles be out by then? If so..they might not be limited by current gen console specs.

Pardon? The trailer is out next Wednesday.
If they could admit to themselves that the last one ran like dog poo, and that maybe a 3rd party engine would do the trick... GTA using the frostbyte engine? Go on then.
The date in the OP's link says 11.02.11 for the trailer. Assuming that's in the American format, that means the trailer won't be out until late next year, and the game might not be out until sometime in 2013.

Any chance of the next gen consoles be out by then? If so..they might not be limited by current gen console specs.

Next year?

11.02.11 = November 2nd 2011
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